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ptob(9f) [sunos man page]

ptob(9F)						   Kernel Functions for Drivers 						  ptob(9F)

ptob - convert size in pages to size in bytes SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/ddi.h> unsigned long ptob(unsigned long numpages); INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI). PARAMETERS
numpages Size in number of pages to convert to size in bytes. DESCRIPTION
This function returns the number of bytes that are contained in the specified number of pages. For example, if the page size is 2048, then ptob(2) returns 4096. ptob(0) returns 0. RETURN VALUES
The return value is always the number of bytes in the specified number of pages. There are no invalid input values, and no checking will be performed for overflow in the case of a page count whose corresponding byte count cannot be represented by an unsigned long. Rather, the higher order bits will be ignored. CONTEXT
ptob() can be called from user or interrupt context. SEE ALSO
btop(9F), btopr(9F), ddi_ptob(9F) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.10 11 Apr 1991 ptob(9F)

Check Out this Related Man Page

btop(9F)						   Kernel Functions for Drivers 						  btop(9F)

btop - convert size in bytes to size in pages (round down) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/ddi.h> unsigned long btop(unsigned long numbytes); INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI). PARAMETERS
numbytes Number of bytes. DESCRIPTION
The btop() function returns the number of memory pages that are contained in the specified number of bytes, with downward rounding in the case that the byte count is not a page multiple. For example, if the page size is 2048, then btop(4096) returns 2, and btop(4097) returns 2 as well. btop(0) returns 0. RETURN VALUES
The return value is always the number of pages. There are no invalid input values, and therefore no error return values. CONTEXT
The btop() function can be called from user, interrupt, or kernel context. SEE ALSO
btopr(9F), ddi_btop(9F), ptob(9F) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.11 16 Jan 2006 btop(9F)
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