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intro(6) [sunos man page]

Intro(6)							  Games and Demos							  Intro(6)

Intro, intro - introduction to games and demos DESCRIPTION
This section describes available games and demos. LIST OF PAGES
Name Description x_buttontest(6) Xview demonstration and test program for SunButtons x_dialtest(6) Xview demonstration and test program for SunDials SunOS 5.10 21 Dec 2004 Intro(6)

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x_buttontest(6) 						  Games and Demos						   x_buttontest(6)

x_buttontest - Xview demonstration and test program for SunButtons SYNOPSIS
/usr/demo/BUTTONBOX/x_buttontest DESCRIPTION
x_buttontest is an Xview application that displays a window with thirty two buttons, corresponding to those on the SunButtons buttonbox. To determine if the buttonbox has been set up correctly, select the Diagnostic button on the panel. If the buttonbox is functional and cor- rectly interfaced, each of the buttons will light in sequence for about 1 second. Then "OK." is sent to the standard output of the demo program. x_buttontest is now in its (default) interactive mode. Pressing a button on the buttonbox highlights the corresponding button on the screen. Additionally, x_buttontest sends a BDIOBUTLITE ioctl to the buttonbox in response to each key press and key release, so that the button light is illuminated while the button is held down. If the serial communications become confused, as can happen when both the buttonbox and the dialbox are operated at the same time, one or more button lights may remain on after the button is released. Clicking on the Reset button on the panel will unconditionally turn all the button lights off. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Architecture |SPARC | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
bdconfig(1M), attributes(5), x_dialtest(6), bd(7M), streamio(7I) SunOS 5.10 1 Jan 1997 x_buttontest(6)
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