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moderators(5) [sunos man page]

MODERATORS(5)							File Formats Manual						     MODERATORS(5)

moderators - mail addresses for moderated Usenet newsgroups DESCRIPTION
The GetModeratorAddress(3) routine reads the file /etc/news/moderators to determine how to reach the moderator of a newsgroup. This is used by inews(1) when an unapproved local posting is made to a moderated newsgroup. The file is read until a match is found. Blank lines and lines starting with a number sign (``#'') are ignored. All other lines should consist of two fields separated by a colon. The first field is a wildmat(3)-style pattern. If it matches the name of the newsgroup, then the second field is taken to be a format string for sprintf(3). This string should have at most one %s parameter, which will be given the name of the newsgroup with periods transliterated to dashes. Here is a sample file: foo.* gnu.* * Using the above file, postings to the moderated newsgroup in the left column will be sent to the address shown in the right column: foo.important foo.x.announce gnu.emacs.sources comp.sources.unix HISTORY
Written by Rich $alz <> for InterNetNews. This is revision 1.15, dated 1996/09/06. SEE ALSO
inews(1), inn.conf(5), libinn(3), wildmat(3). MODERATORS(5)

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MODERATORS(5)                                                   File Formats Manual                                                  MODERATORS(5)

moderators - mail addresses for moderated Usenet newsgroups DESCRIPTION
The GetModeratorAddress(3) routine reads the file /etc/news/moderators to determine how to reach the moderator of a newsgroup. This is used by inews(1) when an unapproved local posting is made to a moderated newsgroup. The file is read until a match is found. Blank lines and lines starting with a number sign (``#'') are ignored. All other lines should consist of two fields separated by a colon. The first field is a wildmat(3)-style pattern. If it matches the name of the newsgroup, then the second field is taken to be a format string for sprintf(3). This string should have at most one %s parameter, which will be given the name of the newsgroup with periods transliterated to dashes. Here is a sample file: foo.* gnu.* * Using the above file, postings to the moderated newsgroup in the left column will be sent to the address shown in the right column: foo.important foo.x.announce gnu.emacs.sources comp.sources.unix HISTORY
Written by Rich $alz <> for InterNetNews. This is revision 1.15, dated 1996/09/06. SEE ALSO
inews(1), inn.conf(5), libinn(3), wildmat(3). MODERATORS(5)
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