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mech_spnego(5) [sunos man page]

mech_spnego(5)						Standards, Environments, and Macros					    mech_spnego(5)

mech_spnego - Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/gss/ DESCRIPTION
The SPNEGO security mechanism for GSS-API allows GSS-API applications to negotiate the actual security mechanism to be used in the GSS-API session. is a shared object module that is dynamically opened by applications that specify the SPNEGO Object Identifier (OID) in calls to the GSS-API functions (see libgss(3LIB)). SPNEGO is described by IETF RFC 2478 and is intended to be used in environments where multiple GSS-API mechanisms are available to the client or server and neither side knows what mechanisms are supported by the other. When SPNEGO is used, it selects the list of mechanisms to advertise by reading the GSS mechanism configuration file, /etc/gss/mech (see mech(4)), and by listing all active mechanisms except for itself. OPTIONS
SPNEGO may be configured to function in two ways. The first way is to interoperate with Microsoft SSPI clients and servers that use the Mi- crosoft "Negotiate" method, which is also based on SPNEGO. The Microsoft "Negotiate" mechanism does not strictly follow the IETF RFC. Therefore, use special handling in order to enable full interoperability. In order to interoperate, place option "[ msinterop ]" at the end of the SPNEGO line in /etc/gss/mech. This is an example (from /etc/gss/mech): spnego [ msinterop ] Without the "[ msinterop ]" option, mech_spnego will follow the strict IETF RFC 2478 specification and will not be able to negotiate with Microsoft applications that try to use the SSPI "Negotiate" mechanism. INTERFACES has no public interfaces. It is only activated and used through the GSS-API interface provided by (see libgss(3LIB)). FILES
/usr/lib/gss/ shared object file /usr/lib/sparcv9/gss/ SPARC 64-bit shared object file /usr/lib/amd64/gss/ x86 64-bit shared object file ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUWNspnego | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
intro(3), libgss(3LIB), mech(4), attributes(5) Solaris Security for Developers Guide SunOS 5.10 4 Oct 2004 mech_spnego(5)

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MECH(5) 						      BSD File Formats Manual							   MECH(5)

mech, qop -- GSS-API Mechanism and QOP files SYNOPSIS
/etc/gss/mech /etc/gss/qop DESCRIPTION
The /etc/gss/mech file contains a list of installed GSS-API security mechanisms. Each line of the file either contains a comment if the first character is '#' or it contains five fields with the following meanings: Name The name of this GSS-API mechanism. Object identifier The OID for this mechanism. Library A shared library containing the implementation of this mechanism. Kernel module Optional kernel module containing the implementation of this mechanism (not yet supported in FreeBSD). Library options Optional parameters interpreted by the mechanism. Library options must be enclosed in brackets ([ ]) to differentiate them from the optional kernel module entry. The first mechanism listed in /etc/gss/mech is the default mechanism. This mechanism will be used by gss_init_sec_context(3) if the user doesn't specify a specific mechanism. The /etc/gss/qop file contains a list of Quality of Protection values for use with GSS-API. Each line of the file either contains a comment if the first character is '#' or it contains three fields with the following meanings: QOP string The name of this Quality of Protection algorithm. QOP value The numeric value used to select this algorithm for use with GSS-API functions such as gss_get_mic(3). Mechanism name The GSS-API mechanism name that corresponds to this algorithm. EXAMPLES
This is a typical entry from /etc/gss/mech: kerberosv5 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2 /usr/lib/ - This is a typical entry from /etc/gss/qop: GSS_KRB5_CONF_C_QOP_DES 0x0100 kerberosv5 HISTORY
The mech manual page first appeared in FreeBSD 7.0. AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Doug Rabson <>. BSD
January 26, 2010 BSD
Man Page