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xferlog(4) [sunos man page]

xferlog(4)							   File Formats 							xferlog(4)

xferlog - FTP Server transfer log file SYNOPSIS
/var/log/xferlog DESCRIPTION
The xferlog file contains transfer logging information from the FTP Server, in.ftpd(1M). You can use the logfile capability to change the location of the log file. See ftpaccess(4). By default, each server entry is composed of a single line of the following form. All fields are separated by spaces. current-time transfer-time remote-host bytes-transferred filename transfer-type special-action-flag direction access-mode username service-name authentication-method authenticated-user-id completion-status The xferlog format capability can be used to customize the transfer log file format used. In addition to those in the default format, it also supports chroot-filename, file-size, and restart-offset fields. See ftpaccess(4). The fields are defined as follows: current-time The current local time in the form DDD MMM dd hh:mm:ss YYYY, where: DDD Is the day of the week MMM Is the month dd Is the day of the month hh Is the hour mm Is the minutes ss Is the seconds YYYY Is the year transfer-time The total time in seconds for the transfer remote-host The remote host name bytes-transferred The number of bytes transferred filename The absolute pathname of the transferred file transfer-type A single character indicating the type of transfer: a Indicates an ascii transfer b Indicates a binary transfer special-action-flag One or more single character flags that indicate any special action taken. The special-action-flag can have one of more of the following values: C File was compressed U File was uncompressed T File was archived, for example, by using tar(1) _ (underbNo)action was taken. direction The direction of the transfer. direction can have one of the following values: o Outgoing i Incoming access-mode The method by which the user is logged in. access-mode can have one of the following values: a For an anonymous user. g For a passworded guest user. See the description of the guestgroup capability in ftpaccess(4). r For a real, locally authenticated user username The local username, or if anonymous, the ID string given service-name The name of the service invoked, usually ftp authentication-method The method of authentication used. authentication-method can have one of the following values: 0 None 1 RFC 931 authentication authenticated-user-id The user ID returned by the authentication method. A * is used if an authenticated user ID is not available. completion-status A single character indicating the status of the transfer. completion-status can have one of the following values: c Indicates complete transfer i Indicates incomplete transfer chroot-filename The pathname of the transferred file relative to the chroot point. This will differ from the filename field for anonymous and guest users. file-size The size, in bytes, of the file on the server. restart-offset The offset, in bytes, at which the file transfer was restarted (0 when no restart offset was specified). FILES
/var/log/xferlog ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWftpr | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |External | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
tar(1), in.ftpd(1M), ftpaccess(4), ftpconversions(4), attributes(5) StJohns, Mike. RFC 931, Authentication Server. Network Working Group. January 1985. SunOS 5.10 25 Apr 2003 xferlog(4)
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