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defaultdomain(4) [sunos man page]

defaultdomain(4)						   File Formats 						  defaultdomain(4)

defaultdomain - specify host's domain name SYNOPSIS
/etc/defaultdomain DESCRIPTION
The file /etc/defaultdomain determines a host's domain name for direct use by the NIS and NIS+ name services. The defaultdomain file is read at boot time and its contents used by the domainname(1M) command. Because of its use by domainname, defaultdomain is also used by the LDAP service (see ldap(1)). Under certain, narrow circumstances (see resolv.conf(4)), because domainname uses defaultdomain, a DNS client can use the contents of defaultdomain. The contents of defaultdomain consists of a single line containing a host's domain name. SEE ALSO
nis+(1), uname(1), ldapclient(1M), nisclient(1M), ypbind(1M), ypinit(1M), resolv.conf(4) NOTES
The defaultdomain file is created and modified by Solaris installation and configuration scripts. Only users knowledgeable of name service configuration should edit the file. SunOS 5.10 22 February 2000 defaultdomain(4)

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domainname(1M)						  System Administration Commands					    domainname(1M)

domainname - set or display name of the current domain SYNOPSIS
domainname [name-of-domain] DESCRIPTION
Without an argument, domainname displays the name of the current domain name used in RPC exchanges, usually referred to as the NIS or NIS+ domain name. This name typically encompasses a group of hosts or passwd entries under the same administration. The domainname command is used by various components of Solaris to resolve names for entries such as are found in passwd, hosts and aliases. By default, naming ser- vices such as NIS and NIS+ use domainname to resolve names. With appropriate privileges (root or an equivalent role [see rbac(5)]), you can set the name of the domain by specifying the name as an argument to the domainname command. The domain name for various naming services can also be set by other means. For example, ypinit can be used to specify a different domain for all NIS calls. The domain name of the machine is usually set during boot time through the domainname command by the svc:/system/iden- tity:domain service. If the new domain name is not saved in the /etc/defaultdomain file, the machine reverts to the old domain after it reboots. FILES
/etc/defaultdomain /etc/nsswitch.conf ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
nis+(1), nischown(1), nispasswd(1), svcs(1), hostconfig(1M), named(1M), nisaddcred(1M), sendmail(1M), svcadm(1M), ypinit(1M), sys-uncon- fig(1M), aliases(4), defaultdomain(4), hosts(4), nsswitch.conf(4), passwd(4), attributes(5), rbac(5), smf(5) NOTES
The domainname service is managed by the service management facility, smf(5), under the service identifier: svc:/system/identity:domain Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or requesting restart, can be performed using svcadm(1M). The ser- vice's status can be queried using the svcs(1) command. SunOS 5.10 7 Oct 2004 domainname(1M)
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