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wsreg_initialize(3wsreg) [sunos man page]

wsreg_initialize(3WSREG)			    Product Install Registry Library Functions				  wsreg_initialize(3WSREG)

wsreg_initialize - initialize wsreg library SYNOPSIS
cc [flag ...] file ...-lwsreg [library ...] #include <wsreg.h> int wsreg_initialize(Wsreg_init_level level, const char *alternate_root); DESCRIPTION
The wsreg_initialize() function initializes the wsreg library. The level argument can be one of the following: WSREG_INIT_NORMAL If an old registry file is present, attempt to perform a conversion. WSREG_INIT_NO_CONVERSION If an old conversion file is present, do not perform the conversion, but indicate that the conversion is recommended. The alternate_root argument can be used to specify a root prefix. If NULL is specified, no root prefix is used. RETURN VALUES
The wsreg_initialize() function can return one of the following: WSREG_SUCCESS The initialization was successful and no registry conversion is necessary. WSREG_CONVERSION_RECOMMENDED An old registry file exists and should be converted. A conversion is attempted if the init_level argument is WSREG_INIT_NORMAL and a registry file from a previous version of the product install registry exists. If the wsreg_initialize() function returns WSREG_CONVERSION_RECOMMENDED, the user either does not have permission to update the product install registry or does not have read/write access to the previous registry file. USAGE
The wsreg_initialize() function must be called before any other wsreg library functions. The registry conversion can take some time to complete. The registry conversion can also be performed using the graphical registry viewer /usr/bin/prodreg or by the registry converter /usr/bin/regconvert. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
prodreg(1M), wsreg_can_access_registry(3WSREG), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 22 Sep 2000 wsreg_initialize(3WSREG)

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wsreg_query_set_location(3WSREG)		    Product Install Registry Library Functions			  wsreg_query_set_location(3WSREG)

wsreg_query_set_location, wsreg_query_get_location - set or get the location of a query SYNOPSIS
cc [flag ...] file ...-lwsreg [library ...] #include <wsreg.h> int wsreg_query_set_location(Wsreg_query *query, const char *location); char *wsreg_query_get_location(Wsreg_query *query); DESCRIPTION
The wsreg_query_set_location() function sets the location specified by location in the query specified by query. If a location has already been set in the specified query, the resources associated with the previously set location are released. The wsreg_query_get_location() function gets the location string from the query specified by query. RETURN VALUES
The wsreg_query_set_location() function returns a non-zero value if the location was set correctly; otherwise 0 is returned. The wsreg_query_get_location() function returns the location from the specified query structure. The resulting location string is not a copy, so it must not be released by the caller. USAGE
The query identifies fields used to search for a specific component in the product install registry. By specifying the install location, the component search is narrowed to all components in the product install registry that are installed in the same location. Other fields can be specified in the same query to further narrow the search. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
wsreg_get(3WSREG), wsreg_initialize(3WSREG), wsreg_query_create(3WSREG), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 22 Sep 2000 wsreg_query_set_location(3WSREG)
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