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slpdelattrs(3slp) [sunos man page]

SLPDelAttrs(3SLP)				    Service Location Protocol Library Functions 				 SLPDelAttrs(3SLP)

SLPDelAttrs - delete attributes SYNOPSIS
#include <slp.h> SLPError SLPDelAttrs(SLPHandle hSLP, const char *pcURL, const char *pcAttrs, SLPRegReport *callback, void *pvCookie); DESCRIPTION
The SLPDelAttrs() function deletes the selected attributes in the locale of the SLPHandle. If no error occurs, the return value is 0. Otherwise, one of the SLPError codes is returned. PARAMETERS
hSLP The language specific SLPHandle to use to delete attributes. It cannot be NULL. pcURL The URL of the advertisement from which the attributes should be deleted. It cannot be NULL. pcAttrs A comma-separated list of attribute ids for the attributes to deregister. callback A callback to report the operation's completion status. It cannot be NULL. pvCookie Memory passed to the callback code from the client. It cannot be NULL. ERRORS
This function or its callback may return any SLP error code. See the ERRORS section in slp_api(3SLP). EXAMPLES
Example 1: Deleting Attributes Use the following example to delete the location and dpi attributes for the URL service:printer:lpr://serv/queve1 SLPHandle hSLP; SLPError err; SLPRegReport report; err = SLPDelAttrs(hSLP, "service:printer:lpr://serv/queue1", "location,dpi", report, NULL); ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
SLP_CONF_FILE When set, use this file for configuration. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWslpu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
slpd(1M), slp_api(3SLP), slp.conf(4), slpd.reg(4), attributes(5) System Administration Guide: Network Services Kempf, J. and Guttman, E. RFC 2614, An API for Service Location. The Internet Society. June 1999. SunOS 5.10 16 Jan 2003 SLPDelAttrs(3SLP)

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SLPFindSrvs(3SLP)				    Service Location Protocol Library Functions 				 SLPFindSrvs(3SLP)

SLPFindSrvs - return service URLs SYNOPSIS
#include <slp.h> SLPError SLPFindSrvs(SLPHandle hSLP, const char *pcServiceType, const char *pcScopeList, const char *pcSearchFilter, SLPSrvURLCallback *callback, void *pvCookie); DESCRIPTION
The SLPFindSrvs() function issues a request for SLP services. The query is for services on a language-specific SLPHandle. It returns the results through the callback. The parameters will determine the results. If an error occurs in starting the operation, one of the SLPError codes is returned. PARAMETERS
hSLP The language-specific SLPHandle on which to search for services. It cannot be NULL. pcServiceType The service type string for the request. The pcServiceType can be discovered by a call to SLPSrvTypes(). Examples of service type strings include "service:printer:lpr" or "service:nfs" pcServiceType cannot be NULL. pcScopeList A pointer to a char containing a comma-separated list of scope names. It cannot be NULL or an empty string, "". pcSearchFilter A query formulated of attribute pattern matching expressions in the form of a LDAPv3 search filter. See RFC 2254. If this filter is empty, "", all services of the requested type in the specified scopes are returned. It cannot be NULL. callback A callback through which the results of the operation are reported. It cannot be NULL. pvCookie Memory passed to the callback code from the client. It can be NULL. ERRORS
This function or its callback may return any SLP error code. See the ERRORS section in slp_api(3SLP). EXAMPLES
Example 1: Using SLPFindSrvs() The following example finds all advertisements for printers supporting the LPR protocol with the dpi attribute 300 in the default scope: SLPError err; SLPHandle hSLP; SLPSrvURLCallback srvngst; err = SLPFindSrvs(hSLP, "service:printer:lpr", "default", "(dpi=300)", srvngst, NULL); ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
SLP_CONF_FILE When set, use this file for configuration. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWslpu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
slpd(1M), slp_api(3SLP), slp.conf(4), slpd.reg(4), attributes(5) System Administration Guide: Network Services Howes, T. RFC 2254, The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters. The Internet Society. 1997. Guttman, E., Perkins, C., Veizades, J., and Day, M. RFC 2608, Service Location Protocol, Version 2. The Internet Society. June 1999. Kempf, J. and Guttman, E. RFC 2614, An API for Service Location. The Internet Society. June 1999. SunOS 5.10 16 Jan 2003 SLPFindSrvs(3SLP)
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