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pool_walk_pools(3pool) [sunos man page]

pool_walk_components(3POOL)											       pool_walk_components(3POOL)

pool_walk_components, pool_walk_pools, pool_walk_resources - walk objects within resource pool configurations SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lpool [ library... ] #include <pool.h> int pool_walk_components(pool_conf_t *conf, pool_resource_t *resource, void *arg, int (*callback)(pool_conf_t *, pool_resource_t *, void *)); int pool_walk_pools(pool_conf_t *conf, void *arg, int (*callback)(pool_conf_t *, pool_component_t *, void *)); int pool_walk_resources(pool_conf_t *conf, pool_t *pool, void *arg, int (*callback)(pool_conf_t *, pool_component_t *, void *)); The walker functions provided with libpool(3LIB) visit each associated entity of the given type, and call the caller-provided callback function with a user-provided additional opaque argument. There is no implied order of visiting nodes in the walk. If the callback func- tion returns a non-zero value at any of the nodes, the walk is terminated, and an error value of -1 returned. The conf argument for each function refers to the target configuration to which the operation applies. The pool_walk_components() function invokes callback on all components contained in the resource. The pool_walk_pools() function invokes callback on all pools defined in the configuration. The pool_walk_resources() function invokes callback function on all resources associated with pool. Upon successful completion of the walk, these functions return 0. Otherwise -1 is returned and pool_error(3POOL) returns the pool-specific error value. These functions will fail if: POE_BADPARAM The supplied configuration's status is not POF_VALID. POE_INVALID_CONF The configuration is invalid. POE_SYSTEM A system error has occurred. Check the system error code for more details. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |CSI |Enabled | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Unstable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ libpool(3LIB), pool_error(3POOL), attributes(5) 18 Jul 2005 pool_walk_components(3POOL)

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pool_walk_components(3POOL)											       pool_walk_components(3POOL)

pool_walk_components, pool_walk_pools, pool_walk_resources - walk objects within resource pool configurations SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lpool [ library... ] #include <pool.h> int pool_walk_components(pool_conf_t *conf, pool_resource_t *resource, void *arg, int (*callback)(pool_conf_t *, pool_resource_t *, void *)); int pool_walk_pools(pool_conf_t *conf, void *arg, int (*callback)(pool_conf_t *, pool_component_t *, void *)); int pool_walk_resources(pool_conf_t *conf, pool_t *pool, void *arg, int (*callback)(pool_conf_t *, pool_component_t *, void *)); The walker functions provided with libpool(3LIB) visit each associated entity of the given type, and call the caller-provided callback function with a user-provided additional opaque argument. There is no implied order of visiting nodes in the walk. If the callback func- tion returns a non-zero value at any of the nodes, the walk is terminated, and an error value of -1 returned. The conf argument for each function refers to the target configuration to which the operation applies. The pool_walk_components() function invokes callback on all components contained in the resource. The pool_walk_pools() function invokes callback on all pools defined in the configuration. The pool_walk_resources() function invokes callback function on all resources associated with pool. Upon successful completion of the walk, these functions return 0. Otherwise -1 is returned and pool_error(3POOL) returns the pool-specific error value. These functions will fail if: POE_BADPARAM The supplied configuration's status is not POF_VALID. POE_INVALID_CONF The configuration is invalid. POE_SYSTEM A system error has occurred. Check the system error code for more details. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |CSI |Enabled | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Unstable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ libpool(3LIB), pool_error(3POOL), attributes(5) 18 Jul 2005 pool_walk_components(3POOL)
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