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getipsecalgbynum(3nsl) [sunos man page]

getipsecalgbyname(3NSL) 			       Networking Services Library Functions				   getipsecalgbyname(3NSL)

getipsecalgbyname, getipsecalgbynum, freeipsecalgent - query algorithm mapping entries SYNOPSIS
cc -flag ... file ...-lnsl [-library ...] #include <netdb.h> struct ipsecalgent *getipsecalgbyname(const char *alg_name, int protocol_num, int *errnop); struct ipsecalgent *getipsecalgbynum(int alg_num, int protocol_num, int *errnop); void freeipsecalgent(struct ipsecalgent *ptr); DESCRIPTION
Use the getipsecalgbyname(), getipsecalgbynum(), freeipsecalgent() functions to obtain the IPsec algorithm mappings that are defined by ipsecalgs(1M). The IPsec algorithms and associated protocol name spaces are defined by RFC 2407. getipsecalgbyname() and getipsecalgbynum() return a structure that describes the algorithm entry found. This structure is described in the RETURN VALUES section below. freeipsecalgent() must be used by the caller to free the structures returned by getipsecalgbyname() and getipsecalgbynum() when they are no longer needed. Both getipsecalgbyname() and getipsecalgbynum() take as parameter the protocol identifier in which the algorithm is defined. See getipsecprotobyname(3NSL) and getipsecprotobynum(3NSL). The following protocol numbers are pre-defined: IPSEC_PROTO_ESP Defines the encryption algorithms (transforms) that can be used by IPsec to provide data confidentiality. IPSEC_PROTO_AH Defines the authentication algorithms (transforms) that can be used by IPsec to provide authentication. getipsecalgbyname() looks up the algorithm by its name, while getipsecalgbynum() looks up the algorithm by its assigned number. PARAMETERS
errnop A pointer to an integer used to return an error status value on certain error conditions. See ERRORS. RETURN VALUES
The getipsecalgbyname() and getipsecalgbynum() functions return a pointer to the structure ipsecalgent_t, defined in <netdb.h>. If the requested algorithm cannot be found, these functions return NULL. The structure ipsecalgent_t is defined as follows: typedef struct ipsecalgent { char **a_names; /* algorithm names */ int a_proto_num; /* protocol number */ int a_alg_num; /* algorithm number */ char *a_mech_name; /* mechanism name */ int *a_block_sizes; /* supported block sizes */ int *a_key_sizes; /* supported key sizes */ int a_key_increment; /* key size increment */ } ipsecalgent_t; If a_key_increment is non-zero, a_key_sizes[0] contains the default key size for the algorithm. a_key_sizes[1] and a_key_sizes[2] specify the smallest and biggest key sizes support by the algorithm, and a_key_increment specifies the valid key size increments in that range. If a_key_increment is zero, the array a_key_sizes contains the set of key sizes, in bits, supported by the algorithm. The last key length in the array is followed by an element of value 0. The first element of this array is used as the default key size for the algorithm. a_name is an array of algorithm names, terminated by an element containing a NULL pointer. a_name[0] is the primary name for the algo- rithm. a_proto_num is the protocol identifer of this algorithm. a_alg_num is the algorithm number. a_mech_name contains the mechanism name associ- ated with the algorithm. a_block_sizes is an array containing the supported block lengths or MAC lengths, in bytes, supported by the algorithm. The last valid value in the array is followed by an element containing the value 0. ERRORS
When the specified algorithm cannot be returned to the caller, getipsecalgbynam() and getipsecalgbynum() return a value of NULL and set the integer pointed to by the errnop parameter to one of the following values: ENOMEM Not enough memory ENOENT Specified algorithm not found EINVAL Specified protocol number not found ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsl (32 bit) | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | |SUNWcslx (64 bit) | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT Level |MT Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
cryptoadm(1M), ipsecalgs(1M), getipsecprotobyname(3NSL), getipsecprotobynum(3NSL), attributes(5) Piper, D. RFC 2407, The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP. Network Working Group. November, 1998. SunOS 5.10 20 Aug 2003 getipsecalgbyname(3NSL)
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