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mlib_videocolorcmyk2jfifycck444(3mlib) [sunos man page]

mlib_VideoColorCMYK2JFIFYCCK444(3MLIB)			    mediaLib Library Functions			    mlib_VideoColorCMYK2JFIFYCCK444(3MLIB)

mlib_VideoColorCMYK2JFIFYCCK444 - CMYK to JFIF YCbCr color conversion SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lmlib [ library... ] #include <mlib.h> mlib_status mlib_VideoColorCMYK2JFIFYCCK444(mlib_u8 *y, mlib_u8 *cb, mlib_u8 *cr, mlib_u8 *k, const mlib_u8 *cmyk, mlib_s32 n); DESCRIPTION
The mlib_VideoColorCMYK2JFIFYCCK444() function performs color space conversion from CMYK to YCbCr when used in the JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF). PARAMETERS
The function takes the following arguments: cb Pointer to destination Cb component row. cb must be 8-byte aligned. cr Pointer to destination Cr component row. cr must be 8-byte aligned. k Pointer to destination K component row. k must be 8-byte aligned. cmyk Pointer to source CMYK multi-component row. cmyk must be 8-byte aligned. n Length of Y,Cb,Cr, and K component rows. The length of the CMYK multi-component row must be n. The length of the RGB multi- component row must be 4*n. RETURN VALUES
The function returns MLIB_SUCCESS if successful. Otherwise it returns MLIB_FAILURE. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
mlib_VideoColorJFIFYCCK2CMYK444(3MLIB), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 9 Nov 2004 mlib_VideoColorCMYK2JFIFYCCK444(3MLIB)

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mlib_VideoColorRGB2JFIFYCC420(3MLIB)			    mediaLib Library Functions			      mlib_VideoColorRGB2JFIFYCC420(3MLIB)

mlib_VideoColorRGB2JFIFYCC420 - RGB to JFIF YCbCr color conversion SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lmlib [ library... ] #include <mlib.h> mlib_status mlib_VideoColorRGB2JFIFYCC420(mlib_u8 *y0, mlib_u8 *y1, mlib_u8 *cb, mlib_u8 *cr, const mlib_u8 *rgb0, const mlib_u8 *rgb1, mlib_s32 n); DESCRIPTION
The mlib_VideoColorRGB2JFIFYCC420() function performs color space conversion from RGB to YCbCr to together with sampling rate conversion when used in the JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF). PARAMETERS
The function takes the following arguments: y0 Pointer to upper destination Y component row. y0 must be 8-byte aligned. y1 Pointer to lower destination Y component row. y1 must be 8-byte aligned. cb Pointer to destination Cb component row. cb must be 8-byte aligned. cr Pointer to destination Cr component row. cr must be 8-byte aligned. rgb0 Pointer to upper source RGB multi-component row. rgb0 must be 8-byte aligned. rgb1 Pointer to lower source RGB multi-component row. rgb1 must be 8-byte aligned. n Length of Y component row. n must be even. The length of Cb and Cr component rows must be n/2. The length of the RGB multi- component row must be 3*n. RETURN VALUES
The function returns MLIB_SUCCESS if successful. Otherwise it returns MLIB_FAILURE. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
mlib_VideoColorABGR2JFIFYCC420(3MLIB), mlib_VideoColorABGR2JFIFYCC422(3MLIB), mlib_VideoColorARGB2JFIFYCC420(3MLIB), mlib_VideoCol- orARGB2JFIFYCC422(3MLIB), mlib_VideoColorRGB2JFIFYCC422(3MLIB), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 9 Nov 2004 mlib_VideoColorRGB2JFIFYCC420(3MLIB)
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