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kstat_data_lookup(3kstat) [sunos man page]

kstat_lookup(3KSTAT)					Kernel Statistics Library Functions				      kstat_lookup(3KSTAT)

kstat_lookup, kstat_data_lookup - find a kstat by name SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lkstat [ library...] #include <kstat.h> kstat_t *kstat_lookup(kstat_ctl_t *kc, char *ks_module, int ks_instance, char *ks_name); void *kstat_data_lookup(kstat_t *ksp, char *name); DESCRIPTION
The kstat_lookup() function traverses the kstat chain, kc->kc_chain, searching for a kstat with the same ks_module, ks_instance, and ks_name fields; this triplet uniquely identifies a kstat. If ks_module is NULL, ks_instance is -1, or ks_name is NULL, those fields will be ignored in the search. For example, kstat_lookup(kc, NULL, -1, "foo") will find the first kstat with name "foo". The kstat_data_lookup() function searches the kstat's data section for the record with the specified name. This operation is valid only for those kstat types that have named data records: KSTAT_TYPE_NAMED and KSTAT_TYPE_TIMER. RETURN VALUES
The kstat_lookup() function returns a pointer to the requested kstat if it is found. Otherwise it returns NULL and sets errno to indicate the error. The kstat_data_lookup() function returns a pointer to the requested data record if it is found. Otherwise it returns NULL and sets errno to indicate the error . ERRORS
The kstat_lookup() and kstat_data_lookup() functions will fail if: EINVAL An attempt was made to look up data for a kstat that was not of type KSTAT_TYPE_NAMED or KSTAT_TYPE_TIMER. ENOENT The requested kstat could not be found. FILES
/dev/kstat kernel statistics driver ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Stable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
kstat(3KSTAT), kstat_chain_update(3KSTAT), kstat_open(3KSTAT), kstat_read(3KSTAT), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 3 Aug 2004 kstat_lookup(3KSTAT)

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kstat_read(3KSTAT)					Kernel Statistics Library Functions					kstat_read(3KSTAT)

kstat_read, kstat_write - read or write kstat data SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lkstat [ library... ] #include <kstat.h> kid_t kstat_read(kstat_ctl_t *kc, kstat_t *ksp, void *buf); kid_t kstat_write(kstat_ctl_t *kc, kstat_t *ksp, void *buf); DESCRIPTION
The kstat_read() function gets data from the kernel for the kstat pointed to by ksp. The ksp->ks_data field is automatically allocated (or reallocated) to be large enough to hold all of the data. The ksp->ks_ndata field is set to the number of data fields, ksp->ks_data_size is set to the total size of the data, and ksp->ks_snaptime is set to the high-resolution time at which the data snapshot was taken. If buf is non-null, the data is copied from ksp->ks_data to buf. The kstat_write() function writes data from buf, or from ksp->ks_data if buf is NULL, to the corresponding kstat in the kernel. Only the superuser can use kstat_write(). RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, kstat_read() and kstat_write() return the current kstat chain ID (KCID). Otherwise, they return -1 and set errno to indicate the error. ERRORS
The kstat_read() and kstat_write() functions will fail if: EACCES An attempt was made to write to a non-writable kstat. EAGAIN The kstat was temporarily unavailable for reading or writing. EINVAL An attempt was made to write data to a kstat, but the number of elements or the data size does not match. ENOMEM Insufficient storage space is available. ENXIO The given kstat could not be located for reading or writing. EOVERFLOW The data for the given kstat was too large to be stored in the structure. EPERM An attempt was made to write to a kstat, but {PRIV_SYS_CONFIG} was not asserted in the effective privilege set. FILES
/dev/kstat kernel statistics driver ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Stable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
kstat(3KSTAT), kstat_chain_update(3KSTAT), kstat_lookup(3KSTAT), kstat_open(3KSTAT), attributes(5), privileges(5) SunOS 5.11 3 Aug 2004 kstat_read(3KSTAT)
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