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panel_hidden(3curses) [sunos man page]

panel_show(3CURSES)					     Curses Library Functions					       panel_show(3CURSES)

panel_show, show_panel, hide_panel, panel_hidden - panels deck manipulation routines SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lpanel -lcurses [ library .. ] #include <panel.h> int show_panel(PANEL *panel); int hide_panel(PANEL *panel); int panel_hidden(PANEL *panel); DESCRIPTION
show_panel() makes panel, previously hidden, visible and places it on top of the deck of panels. hide_panel() removes panel from the panel deck and, thus, hides it from view. The internal data structure of the panel is retained. panel_hidden() returns TRUE(1) or FALSE(0) indicating whether or not panel is in the deck of panels. RETURN VALUES
show_panel() and hide_panel() return the integer OK upon successful completion or ERR upon error. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
curses(3CURSES), panel_update(3CURSES), panels(3CURSES), attributes(5) NOTES
The header <panel.h> automatically includes the header <curses.h>. SunOS 5.10 31 Dec 1996 panel_show(3CURSES)

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panel_show(3CURSES)					     Curses Library Functions					       panel_show(3CURSES)

panel_show, show_panel, hide_panel, panel_hidden - panels deck manipulation routines SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lpanel -lcurses [ library .. ] #include <panel.h> int show_panel(PANEL *panel); int hide_panel(PANEL *panel); int panel_hidden(PANEL *panel); DESCRIPTION
show_panel() makes panel, previously hidden, visible and places it on top of the deck of panels. hide_panel() removes panel from the panel deck and, thus, hides it from view. The internal data structure of the panel is retained. panel_hidden() returns TRUE(1) or FALSE(0) indicating whether or not panel is in the deck of panels. RETURN VALUES
show_panel() and hide_panel() return the integer OK upon successful completion or ERR upon error. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
curses(3CURSES), panel_update(3CURSES), panels(3CURSES), attributes(5) NOTES
The header <panel.h> automatically includes the header <curses.h>. SunOS 5.10 31 Dec 1996 panel_show(3CURSES)
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