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link_fieldtype(3curses) [sunos man page]

form_fieldtype(3CURSES) 				     Curses Library Functions					   form_fieldtype(3CURSES)

form_fieldtype, new_fieldtype, free_fieldtype, set_fieldtype_arg, set_fieldtype_choice, link_fieldtype - forms fieldtype routines SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lform -lcurses [ library... ] #include <form.h> FIELDTYPE *new_fieldtype(int (* field_check)(FIELD *, char *), int (*char_check)(int, char *)); int free_fieldtype(FIELDTYPE *fieldtype); int set_fieldtype_arg(FIELDTYPE *fieldtype, char *(* mak_arg)(va_list *), char *(* copy_arg)(char *), void (* free_arg)(char *)); int set_fieldtype_choice(FIELDTYPE *fieldtype, int (* next_choice)(FIELD *, char *), int (*prev_choice)(FIELD *, char *)); FIELDTYPE *link_fieldtype(FIELDTYPE *type1, FIELDTYPE *type2); DESCRIPTION
new_fieldtype() creates a new field type. The application programmer must write the function field_check, which validates the field value, and the function char_check, which validates each character. free_fieldtype() frees the space allocated for the field type. By associating function pointers with a field type, set_fieldtype_arg() connects to the field type additional arguments necessary for a set_field_type() call. Function mak_arg allocates a structure for the field specific parameters to set_field_type() and returns a pointer to the saved data. Function copy_arg duplicates the structure created by make_arg. Function free_arg frees any storage allocated by make_arg or copy_arg. The form_driver() requests REQ_NEXT_CHOICE and REQ_PREV_CHOICE let the user request the next or previous value of a field type comprising an ordered set of values. set_fieldtype_choice() allows the application programmer to implement these requests for the given field type. It associates with the given field type those application-defined functions that return pointers to the next or previous choice for the field. link_fieldtype() returns a pointer to the field type built from the two given types. The constituent types may be any application-defined or pre-defined types. RETURN VALUES
Routines that return pointers always return NULL on error. Routines that return an integer return one of the following: E_OK The function returned successfully. E_SYSTEM_ERROR System error. E_BAD_ARGUMENT An argument is incorrect. E_CONNECTED Type is connected to one or more fields. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
curses(3CURSES), forms(3CURSES), attributes(5) NOTES
The header <form.h> automatically includes the headers <eti.h> and <curses.h>. SunOS 5.10 31 Dec 1996 form_fieldtype(3CURSES)

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form_fieldtype(3CURSES) 				     Curses Library Functions					   form_fieldtype(3CURSES)

form_fieldtype, new_fieldtype, free_fieldtype, set_fieldtype_arg, set_fieldtype_choice, link_fieldtype - forms fieldtype routines SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lform -lcurses [ library... ] #include <form.h> FIELDTYPE *new_fieldtype(int (* field_check)(FIELD *, char *), int (*char_check)(int, char *)); int free_fieldtype(FIELDTYPE *fieldtype); int set_fieldtype_arg(FIELDTYPE *fieldtype, char *(* mak_arg)(va_list *), char *(* copy_arg)(char *), void (* free_arg)(char *)); int set_fieldtype_choice(FIELDTYPE *fieldtype, int (* next_choice)(FIELD *, char *), int (*prev_choice)(FIELD *, char *)); FIELDTYPE *link_fieldtype(FIELDTYPE *type1, FIELDTYPE *type2); DESCRIPTION
new_fieldtype() creates a new field type. The application programmer must write the function field_check, which validates the field value, and the function char_check, which validates each character. free_fieldtype() frees the space allocated for the field type. By associating function pointers with a field type, set_fieldtype_arg() connects to the field type additional arguments necessary for a set_field_type() call. Function mak_arg allocates a structure for the field specific parameters to set_field_type() and returns a pointer to the saved data. Function copy_arg duplicates the structure created by make_arg. Function free_arg frees any storage allocated by make_arg or copy_arg. The form_driver() requests REQ_NEXT_CHOICE and REQ_PREV_CHOICE let the user request the next or previous value of a field type comprising an ordered set of values. set_fieldtype_choice() allows the application programmer to implement these requests for the given field type. It associates with the given field type those application-defined functions that return pointers to the next or previous choice for the field. link_fieldtype() returns a pointer to the field type built from the two given types. The constituent types may be any application-defined or pre-defined types. RETURN VALUES
Routines that return pointers always return NULL on error. Routines that return an integer return one of the following: E_OK The function returned successfully. E_SYSTEM_ERROR System error. E_BAD_ARGUMENT An argument is incorrect. E_CONNECTED Type is connected to one or more fields. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
curses(3CURSES), forms(3CURSES), attributes(5) NOTES
The header <form.h> automatically includes the headers <eti.h> and <curses.h>. SunOS 5.10 31 Dec 1996 form_fieldtype(3CURSES)
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