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getdmaptype(3bsm) [sunos man page]

getdmapent(3BSM)				      Security and Auditing Library Functions					  getdmapent(3BSM)

getdmapent, getdmapnam, getdmaptype, getdmaptdev, setdmapent, enddmapent, setdmapfile - get device_maps entry SYNOPSIS
cc [flag...] file... -lbsm [library...] #include <bsm/devices.h> devmap_t *getdmapent(void); devmap_t *getdmapnam(char *name); devmap_t *getdmapdev(char *name); devmap_t *getdmaptype(char *type); void setdmapent(void); void enddmapent(void); void setdmapfile(char *file); DESCRIPTION
The getdmapent(), getdmapnam(), getdmapdev(), and getdmaptype() functions each return a device_deallocate entry. The getdmapent() function enumerates all device_maps entries. The getdmaptype() function enumerates device_maps entries with a given device type. Successive calls to these functions return either successive device_maps entries or NULL. The getdmapnam() function searches for a device_maps entry with a given device allocation name. The getdmapdev() function searches for a device_maps entry containing a given device special file. The internal representation of a device_maps entry is a devmap_t structure defined in <bsm/devices.h> with the following members: char *dmap_devname; /* device allocation name */ char *dmap_devtype; /* generic device type */ char *dmap_devlist; /* list of associated device special files */ The setdmapent() function "rewinds" to the beginning of the enumeration of device_maps entries. Calls to getdmapnam() may leave the enumer- ation in an indeterminate state, so setdmapent() should be called before the first call to getdmapent() or getdmaptype(). The enddmapent() function can be called to indicate that device_maps processing is complete. The library can then close any open device_maps file, deallocate any internal storage, and so forth. The setdmapfile() function changes the pathname used by the other functions for opening the device_maps file, allowing use of device_maps files other than the default file, /etc/security/device_maps. RETURN VALUES
The getdmapent() and getdmaptype() functions return a pointer to a devmap_t if they successfully enumerate an entry. Otherwise they return NULL, indicating the end of the enumeration. The getdmapnam() function returns a pointer to a devmap_t if it successfully locates the requested entry. Otherwise it returns NULL. FILES
/etc/security/device_maps Administrative file defining the mapping of device special files to allocatable device names. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
allocate(1), free(3C), device_maps(4), attributes(5) NOTES
The getdmapent(), getdmapnam(), getdmapdev(), and getdmaptype() functions allocate memory for the pointers they return. This memory can be deallocated with the free(3C) function. SunOS 5.10 11 Jan 2001 getdmapent(3BSM)

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getdmapent(3BSM)				      Security and Auditing Library Functions					  getdmapent(3BSM)

getdmapent, getdmapnam, getdmaptype, getdmaptdev, setdmapent, enddmapent, setdmapfile - get device_maps entry SYNOPSIS
cc [flag...] file... -lbsm [library...] #include <bsm/devices.h> devmap_t *getdmapent(void); devmap_t *getdmapnam(char *name); devmap_t *getdmapdev(char *name); devmap_t *getdmaptype(char *type); void setdmapent(void); void enddmapent(void); void setdmapfile(char *file); DESCRIPTION
The getdmapent(), getdmapnam(), getdmapdev(), and getdmaptype() functions each return a device_deallocate entry. The getdmapent() function enumerates all device_maps entries. The getdmaptype() function enumerates device_maps entries with a given device type. Successive calls to these functions return either successive device_maps entries or NULL. The getdmapnam() function searches for a device_maps entry with a given device allocation name. The getdmapdev() function searches for a device_maps entry containing a given device special file. The internal representation of a device_maps entry is a devmap_t structure defined in <bsm/devices.h> with the following members: char *dmap_devname; /* device allocation name */ char *dmap_devtype; /* generic device type */ char *dmap_devlist; /* list of associated device special files */ The setdmapent() function "rewinds" to the beginning of the enumeration of device_maps entries. Calls to getdmapnam() may leave the enumer- ation in an indeterminate state, so setdmapent() should be called before the first call to getdmapent() or getdmaptype(). The enddmapent() function can be called to indicate that device_maps processing is complete. The library can then close any open device_maps file, deallocate any internal storage, and so forth. The setdmapfile() function changes the pathname used by the other functions for opening the device_maps file, allowing use of device_maps files other than the default file, /etc/security/device_maps. RETURN VALUES
The getdmapent() and getdmaptype() functions return a pointer to a devmap_t if they successfully enumerate an entry. Otherwise they return NULL, indicating the end of the enumeration. The getdmapnam() function returns a pointer to a devmap_t if it successfully locates the requested entry. Otherwise it returns NULL. FILES
/etc/security/device_maps Administrative file defining the mapping of device special files to allocatable device names. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
allocate(1), free(3C), device_maps(4), attributes(5) NOTES
The getdmapent(), getdmapnam(), getdmapdev(), and getdmaptype() functions allocate memory for the pointers they return. This memory can be deallocated with the free(3C) function. SunOS 5.10 11 Jan 2001 getdmapent(3BSM)
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