MBK(3) cao-vlsi reference manual MBK(3)NAME
mbk - Generic layout ,netlist and utility data structures
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in
Paris, France.
Web : http://asim.lip6.fr/recherche/alliance/
E-mail : alliance-users@asim.lip6.fr
mbk has several global variables that need to be known by the programmer.
SEE ALSO genlib(1).
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory.
We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools.
ASIM /LIP6 October 1, 1997 MBK(3)
Check Out this Related Man Page
MBK_VSS - define the ground power name pattern
c-shell running
setenv MBK_VSS groundname
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in
Paris, France.
Web : http://asim.lip6.fr/recherche/alliance/
E-mail : alliance-users@asim.lip6.fr
MBK_VSS sets the pattern to be matched in a name to indicate a ground node for the tools based upon Its default value is vss. Therefore
all names of the form `*vss*' in indicates a ground node.
setenv MBK_VSS gnd
SEE ALSO mbk(3), genlib(1), isvss(3), isvdd(3), MBK_VDD(1).
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory.
We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools.
ASIM /LIP6 October 1, 1997 MBK_VSS(1)
I am wondering if someone can help a brother out. I am trying to create a DB using a GUI and when I am about to finish, it gets stuck. I hit finish but nothing happens. Any help from the community will be highly appreciated.
... (0 Replies)
I am trying to obtain all user accounts and their respective home directories.
/etc/passwd contains the required information, but I want to filter it to only show the uid,username and home directory path.
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I made a little headway so far, but I got stuck... (7 Replies)
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Below is the kind of Soap envelop I want to wrap around my request .... (0 Replies)
I do have a big CA bundle certificate file and each time if i get request to add new certificate to the existing bundle i need to make sure it is not present already. How i can validate the duplicates.
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I have a file(input.txt) and trying to format as output.txt. See the attached file format.
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Basically I am trying to capture all the data in between Local Group Memberships and Global Group... (10 Replies)
One Fedora server is facing the issue that daily /var/log/btmp grows to 2.2Gb or more.
I need your help to determine the cause and isolate it.
Thank you! (6 Replies)
Hi all,
I am looking for to filter out based on 7th character and list the number of occurrence based on the 7th character if p , d , o or m
1. if 7th character is p , Output should be: p_hosts = N
2. if 7th character is d , Output should be: d_hosts = N
3. if 7th character is o , Output... (10 Replies)
Hi everyone,
Let me start by stating this question is for homework help (not "help, my boss needs this ASAP")
I have spent the last few days re-visiting this script, and cannot figure out where I am going wrong (something simple I'm sure).
I am to build a script that searches for a user... (1 Reply)
I'm trying to change date format using this script from day/month/year to month/day/year
while read line; do
echo "$line"
date=$(echo "$line" | cut -d/ -f1 )
month=$(echo "$line" | cut -d/ -f2 )
echo $month"/"$date"/2017"
done < ~/Downloads/Dates.csv
But I get output as... (5 Replies)
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Output should look like: ... (9 Replies)