libcspi(3) [sunos man page]
libcspi.3(3) Introduction to Library Functions libcspi.3(3) NAME
at-spi, libcspi - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface, and AT-SPI C Bindings DESCRIPTION
at-spi is the Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface, which provides a set of client-side APIs for use by assistive technologies. Assistive Technologies are augmentative or adaptive technologies that make the desktop user interface accessible to persons with disabili- ties. These APIs for assistive technology developers are available in two forms. at-spi is defined by CORBA IDL in the following files: /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Accessible.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Action.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Application.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Component.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Desktop.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_EditableText.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Event.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Hyperlink.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Hypertext.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Image.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Registry.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Relation.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Role.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Selection.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_State.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_StreamableContent.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Table.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Text.idl /usr/share/gnome/idl/at-spi-1.0/Accessibility_Value.idl An AT-SPI client can use any programming language for which general CORBA language bindings are available (for example, Java, C, C++) and may use any CORBA 2.2-compliant ORB. The client bindings are generated from the above IDL by a language-specific IDL compiler which is usu- ally bundled with ORBs. The GNOME 2 environment includes an efficient ORB with C bindings (ORBit2). libcspi AT-SPI clients may also use the C language bindings that are defined in libcspi and documented in the developer documentation. To access the developer documentation, you must install the developer version of the package. Such clients may also link to libcspi, which provides CORBA server-side implementations of the Accessibility::EventLister interfaces which are used for AT-SPI event notification support. FILES
The following files are used by this application: /usr/lib/ AT-SPI C Binding shared library /usr/share/gtk-doc/html Location of developer documentation ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWgnome-a11y-libs | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |External | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
libatk-1.0(3) NOTES
Written by Brian Cameron, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2003, 2004. SunOS 5.10 31 Aug 2004 libcspi.3(3)
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orbit-idl-2(1) User Commands orbit-idl-2(1) NAME
orbit-idl-2 - ORBit IDL compiler SYNOPSIS
orbit-idl-2 [--define=string ] [--include=string] [--libIDL-version] [--lang=string] [--debug=int] [--idlwarnlevel=int] [--imodule] [--showcpperrors] [--nostubs] [--noskels] [--nocommon] [--noheaders] [--noidata] [--add-imodule] [--skeleton-impl] [--backenddir=dir] [--c- output-formatter=program] [--onlytop] [--pidl] [--nodefskels] [--deps=filename] [--headerguardprefix=string] [--usage] [--version] [--help] idlfile DESCRIPTION
orbit-idl-2 is the ORBit Interface Definition Language (IDL) compiler. It takes as input an IDL file, and produces as output a set of source code files which you can use to develop an application that implements and/or uses the CORBA interface defined in the IDL file. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: --add-imodule Output an interface type data file. --backenddir=dirOverride the IDL backend library directory. --c-output-formaSpecifyothemprogram with which to format output (normally, indent). --debug=int Set the debug level. Valid values are in the range 0 to 4 inclusive. You can also use -d to specify this option. --define=string Define value in preprocessor. This option is passed directly to cpp(1). You can also use -D to specify this option. --deps=filename Generate dependency information suitable for inclusion in a Makefile. --headerguardprePrefixrfor #ifdef header guards. Sometimes useful to avoid conflicts. --help Show help information on standard output, and exit. You can also use -? to specify this option. --idlwarnlevel=iSet the IDL warning level. Valid values are in the range 0 to 4 inclusive. The default value is 2. --imodule Output only an interface type data file. You can also use -i to specify this option. --include=stringAdd search path for include files. This option is passed directly to cpp(1). You can also use -I to specify this option. --lang=string Display the language (the default is C). You can also use -l to specify this option. --libIDL-versionShow version of libIDL used. See libIDL-2(3). --nocommon Do not output a common file. --nodefskels Do not output definitions for skeletals in header. --noheaders Do not output a header file. --noidata Do not generate interface type data. --noskels Do not output a skeletals file. --nostubs Do not output a stubs file. --onlytop Inhibit inclusion of IDL files. --pidl Treat the input as Pseudo IDL. --showcpperrors Show C preprocessor errors. --skeleton-impl Output a skeletal object implementation. --usage Display brief usage information. --version Display the compiler version and serial. You can also use -v to specify this option. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: filename The name of the input IDL file to be processed by the compiler. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Compiling an IDL file example% orbit-idl-2 example.idl The following files are output: example.h example-stubs.c example-skels.c example-common.c Example 2: Compiling an IDL file for use as a client of the interface only example% orbit-idl-2 --noskels example.idl The following files are output: example.h example-stubs.c example-common.c Example 3: Compiling an IDL file for use as a servant of the interface only example% orbit-idl-2 --nostubs example.idl The following files are output: example.h example-skels.c example-common.c Example 4: Compiling an IDL file that includes IDL files located in a non-standard directory example% orbit-idl-2 -I /example-idl-location example.idl In this example, example.idl includes example-included.idl, which is located in /example-idl-location/example-included.idl. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Application exited successfully >0 Application exited with failure FILES
The following files are used by this application: /usr/bin/Executable2for the ORBit IDL compiler ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWgnome-component-devel | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |External | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
cpp(1), libIDL-2(3), libORBit-2(3), attributes(5) NOTES
The output source code is specific to ORBit and should not be used with any other Object Request Broker (ORB), with any other version of ORBit, or on a platform other than the one on which the IDL compiler was itself compiled. Written by Mark McLoughlin, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2003. SunOS 5.10 11 Jan 2003 orbit-idl-2(1)