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atok12mngtool(1m) [sunos man page]

atok12mngtool(1m)					  System Administration Commands					 atok12mngtool(1m)

atok12mngtool - Administrates ATOK12 user information SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/atok12mngtool AVAILABILITY
The atok12mngtool command provides ATOK12 user information administration operations. This utility needs to be executed by superuser, and multiple processes cannot run simultaneously. When invoked, atok12mngtool enters its command interpreter and awaits instructions from the user. When atok12mngtool is awaiting commands from the user, it displays the prompt Command>. OPTIONS
The following options may be specified to the command interpreter: a Adds (registers) a user with a specified name. Usually you do not need to use this option because any user who attempts to use ATOK12 will be registered automatically. d Deletes (Unregisters) a user with a specified name. l Lists names of users who have been registered to use ATOK12. atok12mngtool starts printing user information after all user information has been processed. A plus symbol ('+') will be printed every after 100 users are processed. q Quits this utility. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. FILES
/usr/sbin/atok12mngtool ATOK12 user information administration utility SEE ALSO
environ(5) Japanese Input System Summary & Transition ATOK12 User's Guide SunOS 5.10 10 Jan 2003 atok12mngtool(1m)

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atok12migd(1)							   User Commands						     atok12migd(1)

atok12migd - Merges an ATOK8 dictionary to ATOK12 dictionary SYNOPSIS
atok12migd [-h part_of_speech] atok8_dic atok12_dic AVAILABILITY
atok12migd merges the contents of an ATOK8 dictionaries with those of an ATOK12 dictionary. atok12migd merges only user-registered words with the ATOK8 dictionaries. ATOK8 system-provided words are not merged. The contents of a source ATOK8 dictionary is neither destroyed nor modified through merge processing. OPTIONS
-h part_of_speecSpecifies the part_of_speech. The words to be merged can be limited by specifying the par_of_speech. Specify the part_of_speech using ATOK8's part_of_speech number. When specifying multiple parts_of_speech, delimit them with a plus sign (+). When "all" is specified, all parts_of_speech are merged. (Example) 1 2+3 3+4+8+9 all ATOK8 Parts of Speech Number +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |Number Name | |1 General nouns | |2 Proper nouns (person name) | |3 Proper nouns (location name) | |4 Proper nouns (organization name) | |5 Proper nouns (general) | |6 Nouns (sa-gyou irregular) | |7 Nouns (za-gyou irregular) | |8 Nouns (adjective verbs) | |9 Independent words | |10 Tankanji (single Kanji) | |11 Rentaishi (non-conjugative adjectives) | |12 Conjunctions | |13 Interjections | |14 Prefixes | |15 Noun suffixes | |16 Numerals | |17 Ka-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |18 Ga-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |19 Sa-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |20 Ta-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |21 Na-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |22 Ha-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |23 Ba-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |24 Ma-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |25 Ra-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |26 Wa-gyou godan katsuyou (consonant-stem) | | verbs | |27 Ichidan katsuyou verbs | |28 Ka-gyou irregular verbs | |29 Sa-gyou irregular verbs | |30 Za-gyou irregular verbs | |31 Adjectives | |32 Adjective verbs | |33 Adverbs | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ atok8_dicATOK8's dictionary. atok12_diATOK12's dictionary ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
LANG, LC_atok12migd operates only when the LC_CTYPE category is set to locale ja or an equivalent locale. For usage of the above environ- ment variables, see the environ(5) man page. EXIT STATUS
This command returns the following exit codes: 0 Successful completion 1 Unknown option 127 Other errors FILES
/usr/bin/atok12migd ATOK8 to ATOK12 dictionary merge command SEE ALSO
environ(5) Japanese Input System Summary & Transition ATOK12 User's Guide NOTES
This command ends when SIGTERM is sent to the process. atok12migd cannot handle files whose name or contents contain characters of EUC code set 3. SunOS 5.10 10 Jan 2003 atok12migd(1)
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