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set(1as) [sunos man page]

asadmin-set(1AS)						   User Commands						  asadmin-set(1AS)

asadmin-set, set - sets the values of attributes SYNOPSIS
set--user admin_user[--password admin_password][--host localhost] [--port 4848][--secure|-s] [--passwordfile filename] [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] attributename=value [attribute_name=value]* Sets the values of one or more configurable attribute. This command is supported in remote mode only. On Solaris, quotes are needed when executing commands with * as the option value or operand. OPTIONS
--user authorized domain application server administrative username. --password password to administer the domain application server. --host machine name where the domain application server is running. --port port number of the domain application server listening for administration requests. --secure if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the domain application server. --passwordfile file containing the domain application server password. --terse indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well- formatted data for consumption by a script. Default is false. --echo setting to true will echo the command line statement on the standard output. Default is false. --interactive if set to true (default), only the required password options are prompted. OPERANDS
attributename=value identifies the attribute name and its value. See the Application Server Reference for a listing of the available attribute names. Example 1: Using set asadmin> set --user admin --password adminadmin --host localhost --port 4848 server.transaction-service.automatic-recovery=true EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-get(1AS), asadmin-list(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-set(1AS)

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asadmin-rollback-transaction(1AS)				   User Commands				 asadmin-rollback-transaction(1AS)

asadmin-rollback-transaction, rollback-transaction - rollsback the named transaction SYNOPSIS
unfreeze-transaction-service --user admin_user [--password admin_password][--host localhost] [--port 4848][--secure|-s] [--passwordfile filename] [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] transaction_id Rollsback the named transaction. This command is supported in remote mode only. OPTIONS
--user authorized domain application server administrative username. --password password to administer the domain application server. --host machine name where the domain application server is running. --port port number of the domain application server listening for administration requests. --secure if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the domain application server. --passwordfile file containing the domain application server password. --terse indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well- formatted data for consumption by a script. Default is false. --echo setting to true will echo the command line statement on the standard output. Default is false. --interactive if set to true (default), only the required password options are prompted. OPERANDS
transaction_id identifier for the transaction to be rolled back.. Example 1: Using rollback-transaction asadmin> rollback-transaction --user admin --password adminadmin transaction1 EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-freeze-transaction-service(1AS), asadmin-unfreeze-transaction-service(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-rollback-transaction(1AS)
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