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delete-authdb(1as) [sunos man page]

asadmin-delete-authdb(1AS)					   User Commands					asadmin-delete-authdb(1AS)

delete-authdb - removes the authorized database SYNOPSIS
delete-authdb --user admin_user[--password admin_password][--host localhost] [--port 4848][--passwordfile filename][--secure|-s][--instance instance_name] --virtualserver virtualserver_ID authdb_ID Removes the authorized database associated with the named server instance. OPTIONS
--user administrative user associated for the instance. --password administrative password corresponding to the administrative user. --host host name of the machine hosting the administrative instance. --port administrative port number associated with the administrative host. --passwordfile file containing passwords appropriate for the command (e.g., administrative instance). --secure if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the administrative instance. --instance name of the instance. --virtualserver virtual server ID. It can also be referred to as the variable $id in an obj.conf file. A virtual server ID cannot begin with a number. OPERANDS
authdb_id user database name in the virtual server's ACL file. Example 1: Using delete-authdb asadmin> delete-authdb --user admin --password adminadmin --host fuyako --port 7070 --instance server1 --virtualserver server1 sampleAuth Deleted AuthDB with id = sampleAuth Where: sampleAuth is the authdb deleted. EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-create-authdb(1AS), asadmin-list-authdbs(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-delete-authdb(1AS)

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asadmin-delete-http-qos(1AS)					   User Commands				      asadmin-delete-http-qos(1AS)

delete-http-qos - removes the quality of service parameter SYNOPSIS
delete-http-qos --user admin_user[--password admin_password] [--host localhost][--port 4848][--passwordfile filename][--secure|-s] [--vir- tualserver virtual_server_ID]instance_name Removes the quality of service pamameter associated with the named server instance. OPTIONS
--user administrative user associated for the instance. --password administrative password corresponding to the administrative user. --host host name of the machine hosting the administrative instance. --port administrative port number associated with the administrative host. --passwordfile file containing passwords appropriate for the command (e.g., administrative instance). --secure if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the administrative instance. --virtualserver virtual server ID. It can also be referred to as the variable $id in an obj.conf file. A virtual server ID cannot begin with a number. OPERANDS
instance_name name of the instance. Example 1: Using delete-http-qos asadmin> delete-http-qos --user admin --password adminadmin --host fuyako --port 7070 --virtualserver server1 server1 Deleted HTTP QOS with id = server1 Where: HTTP QOS is deleted for virtual server server1 and instance name server1. EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command INTERFACE EQUIVALENT
Server instance, HTTP Server Virtual Servers, Instance QOS page for the server instance asadmin-create-http-qos(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-delete-http-qos(1AS)
Man Page

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