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asadmin-create-admin-object(1as) [sunos man page]

asadmin-create-admin-object(1AS)				   User Commands				  asadmin-create-admin-object(1AS)

asadmin-create-admin-object, create-admin-object - adds the administered object with the specified JNDI name SYNOPSIS
create-admin-object --user admin_user [--password admin_password] [--host localhost] [--port 4848] [--secure|-s] [--passwordfile filename] [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] --restype aorestype --raname resource_adapter_name [--enabled=true] [--description description] [--property name=value[:name=value]*] jndi_name Creates an administered object specific to the Enterprise Information Server (typically a messaging provider) with the JNDI name provided. The resource adapter exposes the administered object as a Javabean. Application programs can lookup the administered object using the JNDI name, and use it using messaging style specific APIs. Before you can create an administered object, you must first deploy the resource adapter and specify it using the --raname option. This command is supported in remote mode only. OPTIONS
--user authorized domain application server administrative username. --password password to administer the domain application server. --host machine name where the domain application server is running. --port port number of the domain application server listening for administration requests. --secure if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the domain application server. --passwordfile file containing the domain application server password. --terse indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well- formatted data for consumption by a script. Default is false. --echo setting to true will echo the command line statement on the standard output. Default is false. --interactive if set to true (default), only the required password options are prompted. --restype administered object resource type as defined by the resource adapter in the ra.xml file. This is the same value found in the adminobject-interface elements in the deployment descriptor of a resource adapter (ra.xml). --raname module name of the deployed resource adapter. In case of a resource adapter that is embedded in an application, the raname will be appname#raname. --enabled determines whether the resource is enabled at runtime. --description text description of the connection pool. --property name/value pair of the properties of admin object java bean. admin object java bean is specified by the adminob- ject-class in the resource adapter's deployment descriptor (ra.xml). OPERANDS
jndi_name JNDI name of the administered object to be created. Example 1: Using create-admin-object The javax.jms.Queue resource type is obtained from the rar.xml file. The jmsra must be deployed prior to executing this command. asadmin> create-admin-object --user admin1 --password adminadmin1 --restype javax.jms.Queue --raname jmsra --property Name=sample_jmsqueue jms/samplequeue Command create-admin-object executed successfully EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-delete-admin-object(1AS), asadmin-list-admin-objects(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-create-admin-object(1AS)

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asadmin-add-admin-object(1AS)					   User Commands				     asadmin-add-admin-object(1AS)

add-admin-object - adds the administered object with the specified JNDI name SYNOPSIS
add-admin-object --user admin_user[--password admin_password] [ --host localhost] [--port 4848] [--passwordfile filename] [ --secure|-s] --aorestype admin_object_type [--property name=value[:name=value]*] --raname rar_filename jndi_name Creates an administered object corresponding to a resource adapter. The ra.xml file can be found in the META-INF directory of the resource adapter archive. After a .RAR file is deployed to the application server, it gets extracted and a directory corresponding to the .RAR name is created under $INSTANCE_ROOT/applicaitons/j2ee-modules (or j2ee-apps). You can find the ra.xml in the META-INF subdirectory of the RAR's directory. OPTIONS
--user administrative user associated for the instance. --password administrative password corresponding to the administrative user. --host host name of the machine hosting the administrative instance. --port administrative port number associated with the administrative host. --secure indicates communication with the administrative instance in secured mode. --passwordfile file containing passwords appropriate for the command (e.g., administrative instance). --aorestype administered object resource type as defined by the resource adapter in the ra.xml file. --property optional attributes name/value pairs for configuring the resource. --raname name of the resource adapter. OPERANDS
jndi_name JNDI name of the administered object to be added. Example 1: Using add-admin-object A JMS queue, called sample_jmsqueue, is assumed to have already been created using the create-jmsdest command. asadmin> add-admin-object --user admin --password adminadmin --aorestype javax.jms.Queue --property Name=sample_jmsqueue --raname jmsra jms/samplequeue Created the object EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-delete-admin-object(1AS), asadmin-list-admin-objects(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-add-admin-object(1AS)
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