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xbacklight(1) [sunos man page]

XBACKLIGHT(1)						      General Commands Manual						     XBACKLIGHT(1)

xbacklight - adjust backlight brightness using RandR extension SYNOPSIS
xbacklight [-help] [-display display] [-get] [-set percent] [-inc percent] [-dec percent] DESCRIPTION
Xbacklight is used to adjust the backlight brightness where supported. It finds all outputs on the X server supporting backlight brightness control and changes them all in the same way. -get Print out the current backlight brightness of each output with such a control. The brightness is represented as a percentage of the maximum brightness supported. -set percent Sets each backlight brightness to the specified level. -inc percent Increases brightness by the specified amount. -dec percent Decreases brightness by the specified amount. -help Print out a summary of the usage and exit. -time milliseconds Length of time to spend fading the backlight between old and new value. Default is 200. -steps number Number of steps to take while fading. Default is 20. SEE ALSO
Xrandr(3) AUTHORS
Keith Packard, Open Source Technology Center, Intel Corporation. X Version 11 xbacklight 1.1.2 XBACKLIGHT(1)

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XBACKLIGHT(1)						      General Commands Manual						     XBACKLIGHT(1)

xbacklight - adjust backlight brightness using RandR extension SYNOPSIS
xbacklight [-help] [-display display] [-get] [-set percent] [-inc percent] [-dec percent] DESCRIPTION
Xbacklight is used to adjust the backlight brightness where supported. It finds all outputs on the X server supporting backlight brightness control and changes them all in the same way. -get Print out the current backlight brightness of each output with such a control. The brightness is represented as a percentage of the maximum brightness supported. -set percent Sets each backlight brightness to the specified level. -inc percent Increases brightness by the specified amount. -dec percent Decreases brightness by the specified amount. -help Print out a summary of the usage and exit. -time milliseconds Length of time to spend fading the backlight between old and new value. Default is 200. -steps number Number of steps to take while fading. Default is 20. SEE ALSO
Xrandr(3) AUTHORS
Keith Packard, Open Source Technology Center, Intel Corporation. X Version 11 xbacklight 1.1.2 XBACKLIGHT(1)
Man Page

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