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mat(1) [sunos man page]

METADATA(1)                                                        User Commands                                                       METADATA(1)

MAT - Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit SYNOPSIS
mat [options] files mat-gui DESCRIPTION
The Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit is a lib (with a CLI and a GUI) created to anonymise file's metadata. In essence, metadata answer who, what, when, where, why, and how about every face of the data that are being documented. They can be a risk for privacy. OPTIONS
-h, --help show this help message and exit -a, --add2archive Add to outputed archive non-supported filetypes -b, --backup Keep a backup copy -c, --check Check if a file is free of harmful metadatas -d, --display List all the harmful meta of a file without removing them -f, --force Don't check if files are clean before cleaning -l, --list List all supported fileformat -v, --version Display version and exit EXAMPLES
mat --display mydocument.pdf Display the mydocument.pdf's harmful metadata mat --check *.jpg Check all the jpg images from the current folder NOTES
MAT only process metadata, it does not handle file data. Blame yourself if you are traced back because of the data of your files. MAT is not perfect : In most of the cases, a forensic expert with a lot of time can trace back your document. If you want absolute privacy, use plain-text. AUTHOR
Julien (jvoisin) Voisin <>, during the GSoC 2011 BUGS
MAT does not handle watermaking/tattoo for now. SEE ALSO
exiftool, hachoir-metadata Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit August 2011 METADATA(1)

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METADATA(1)                                                        User Commands                                                       METADATA(1)

MAT - Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit SYNOPSIS
mat [options] files mat-gui DESCRIPTION
The Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit is a lib (with a CLI and a GUI) created to anonymise file's metadata. In essence, metadata answer who, what, when, where, why, and how about every face of the data that are being documented. They can be a risk for privacy. OPTIONS
-h, --help show this help message and exit -a, --add2archive Add to outputed archive non-supported filetypes -b, --backup Keep a backup copy -c, --check Check if a file is free of harmful metadatas -d, --display List all the harmful meta of a file without removing them -f, --force Don't check if files are clean before cleaning -l, --list List all supported fileformat -v, --version Display version and exit EXAMPLES
mat --display mydocument.pdf Display the mydocument.pdf's harmful metadata mat --check *.jpg Check all the jpg images from the current folder NOTES
MAT only process metadata, it does not handle file data. Blame yourself if you are traced back because of the data of your files. MAT is not perfect : In most of the cases, a forensic expert with a lot of time can trace back your document. If you want absolute privacy, use plain-text. AUTHOR
Julien (jvoisin) Voisin <>, during the GSoC 2011 BUGS
MAT does not handle watermaking/tattoo for now. SEE ALSO
exiftool, hachoir-metadata Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit August 2011 METADATA(1)
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