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mailp(1) [sunos man page]

mailp(1)							   User Commands							  mailp(1)

mailp, digestp, filep, newsp, filofaxp, franklinp, timemanp, timesysp - frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter SYNOPSIS
mailp [options] filename... newsp [options] filename... digestp [options] filename... filep [options] filename... filofaxp [options] filename... franklinp [options] filename... timemanp [options] filename... timesysp [options] filename... DESCRIPTION
The mailp utility is a frontend to the mp(1) program. It uses different names to provide various mp options: mailp Prints out mail messages. newsp Prints out USENET news articles. digestp Prints out USENET digest files. filep Prints out ordinary ASCII files. filofaxp Prints out in Filofax personal organiser format. franklinp Prints out in Franklin Planner personal organiser format. timemanp Prints out in Time Manager personal organiser format. timesysp Prints out in Time/System International personal organiser format. mailp and the associated programs read each filename in sequence and generate a prettified version of the contents. If no filename argu- ments are provided, mailp reads the standard input. mailp works in two ways. With the -D option, it will work as an X print server client to produce the PDL of the target printer and spool it. With the -d or -P option, it will generate and spool PostScripttm output. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -d printer Sends output to the named printer. Otherwise, sends output to the printer named in the PRINTER environment variable. -D Generates the PDL for the target printer and spools it to the printer. -F Instead of printing who the mail article is for, the top header will contain who the mail article is from. This is a useful option for people with their own personal printer. -h Banner printing is disabled. Most of the information that typically appears on the banner sheet is output in the mp ban- ners. -l Formats output in landscape mode. Two pages of text will be printed per sheet of paper. -P printer Same as -d option. -s subject Uses subject as the new subject for the printout. If you are printing ordinary ASCII files which have been specified on the command line, the subject will default to the name of each of these files. OPERANDS
The following operand is supported: filename The name of the file to be read. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
If none of the -d, -D, or -P options is used, mailp uses the PRINTER environment variable to determine the printer to which the output from the mp(1)program is sent. If the PRINTER variable is not found, the default destination is the PostScripttm printer. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 An error occurred. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWmp | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
mp(1), attributes(5) NOTES
The -P option, which spools the PDL directly to the target printer in mp(1), produces PostScripttm when used in mailp so as to be backward compatible. SunOS 5.10 30 Oct 2000 mailp(1)

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mailp(1)							   User Commands							  mailp(1)

mailp, digestp, filep, newsp, filofaxp, franklinp, timemanp, timesysp - frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter SYNOPSIS
mailp [options] filename... newsp [options] filename... digestp [options] filename... filep [options] filename... filofaxp [options] filename... franklinp [options] filename... timemanp [options] filename... timesysp [options] filename... DESCRIPTION
The mailp utility is a frontend to the mp(1) program. It uses different names to provide various mp options: mailp Prints out mail messages. newsp Prints out USENET news articles. digestp Prints out USENET digest files. filep Prints out ordinary ASCII files. filofaxp Prints out in Filofax personal organiser format. franklinp Prints out in Franklin Planner personal organiser format. timemanp Prints out in Time Manager personal organiser format. timesysp Prints out in Time/System International personal organiser format. mailp and the associated programs read each filename in sequence and generate a prettified version of the contents. If no filename argu- ments are provided, mailp reads the standard input. mailp works in two ways. With the -D option, it will work as an X print server client to produce the PDL of the target printer and spool it. With the -d or -P option, it will generate and spool PostScripttm output. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -d printer Sends output to the named printer. Otherwise, sends output to the printer named in the PRINTER environment variable. -D Generates the PDL for the target printer and spools it to the printer. -F Instead of printing who the mail article is for, the top header will contain who the mail article is from. This is a useful option for people with their own personal printer. -h Banner printing is disabled. Most of the information that typically appears on the banner sheet is output in the mp ban- ners. -l Formats output in landscape mode. Two pages of text will be printed per sheet of paper. -P printer Same as -d option. -s subject Uses subject as the new subject for the printout. If you are printing ordinary ASCII files which have been specified on the command line, the subject will default to the name of each of these files. OPERANDS
The following operand is supported: filename The name of the file to be read. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
If none of the -d, -D, or -P options is used, mailp uses the PRINTER environment variable to determine the printer to which the output from the mp(1)program is sent. If the PRINTER variable is not found, the default destination is the PostScripttm printer. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 An error occurred. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWmp | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
mp(1), attributes(5) NOTES
The -P option, which spools the PDL directly to the target printer in mp(1), produces PostScripttm when used in mailp so as to be backward compatible. SunOS 5.10 30 Oct 2000 mailp(1)
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