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llc2_autoconfig(1) [sunos man page]

llc2_autoconfig(1)						   User Commands						llc2_autoconfig(1)

llc2_autoconfig - generate LLC2 configuration files SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/llc2/llc2_autoconfig [-f] DESCRIPTION
The llc2_autoconfig utility is used to generate LLC2 configuration files (/etc/llc2/default/llc2.*). If there is no configuration file in /etc/llc2_default/, it detects all the available interfaces in the system and generates corresponding default configuration files. If there are existing configuration files in /etc/llc2_default/, it will check if those interfaces defined in the files still exist. If they do not exist in the system, it will set llc2_on in those files to 0. After this, it will detect if there are new interfaces in the system. If there are, it will generate configuration files for them. OPTIONS
The following option is supported: -f Erases all configuration files in /etc/llc2/default/. Then detects all the available interfaces in the system and generates cor- responding default configuration files. Use this option with caution. FILES
/etc/llc2/default/llc2.* LLC2 configuration files ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWllc | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
llc2_config(1), llc2(4), attributes(5), llc2(7D) SunOS 5.10 18 May 1999 llc2_autoconfig(1)

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llc2_config(1)							   User Commands						    llc2_config(1)

llc2_config - configure LLC2 interface parameters SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/llc2/llc2_config [-P | -U | -d | -q | -i ppa | -r ppa] DESCRIPTION
The llc2_config utility is used to start/stop the LLC2 subsystem and to configure LLC2 interface parameters. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -d Turns on debug mode. Extra debugging information will be printed out. -i ppa Initializes the corresponding interface using the file /etc/llc2/default/llc2.ppa. -P Reads in all /etc/llc2/default/llc2.* configuration files, opens those devices defined in the files, and sets up the streams needed for LLC2 to use those devices. Before doing this, llc2_config -q will not show anything. -q Queries the LLC2 subsystem. Information similar to the following example will be printed out for all PPAs (Physical Point of Attachment) available under the LLC2 module: PPA State ID MACAddr Type MaxSDU MinSDU Mode 0 up 0000 0800208a217e ethernet 1500 0 3 The fields displayed are described below: PPA The relative logical position of the interface. State The state of the interface: up The interface is initialized and operational. down The interface was "discovered" by the LLC2 driver, has passed its bootup diagnostics, and is awaiting initialization. bad The interface is known to the LLC2 driver, but failed one or more of the integrity checks performed at boot time. This might include detecting Interrupt Request and shared memory conflicts or failures detected during the execution of the level 0 diagnostics. ID The interface ID. MACAddr The MAC address currently in effect for the interface. Type The MAC type. Current types supported include: csma/cd 10 Megabit Ethernet ethernet Ethernet type device tkn-ring 4/16 Megabit Token Ring fddi 100 Megabit Fiber Distributed Data Interface MaxSDU The Maximum Service Data Unit size transmitted on this interface. Mode The Service Modes supported by this interface. This field consists of the bitwise logical-ORing of the supported modes, also defined in /usr/include/sys/dlpi.h. -r ppa Uninitializes the corresponding interface. By using this option, and then using the -i option, the parameters associated with an interface can be changed. -U Destroys all streams used by the LLC2 subsystem. This is the reverse of the -P option. After this is executed, llc2_config -q will not show anything. FILES
/etc/llc2/default/llc2.* LLC2 configuration files ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWllc | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
llc2_autoconfig(1), llc2(4), attributes(5), llc2(7D) SunOS 5.10 18 May 1999 llc2_config(1)
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