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genpat(1) [sunos man page]

NSIS(1) 							      GenPat								   NSIS(1)

GenPat - A program to create patch files in VPatch format. SYNOPSIS
GenPat [-R] [-B=64] [-V] [-O] [-A=500] [source] [target] [patch.pat] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the GenPat command. This manual page was written for the Debian (TM) distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in the HTML format; see below. GenPat is a program that creates installer programs for Windows. OPTIONS
-R Replace a patch with same contents as source silently if it already exists. -B=64 Set blocksize (default=64), multiple of 2 is required. -V More verbose information during patch creation. -O Deactivate match limit of the -A switch (sometimes smaller patches). -A=500 Maximum number of block matches per block (improves performance). Default is 500, larger is slower. Use -V to see the cut-off aborts. EXIT STATUS
0 Success 1 Arguments missing 2 Other error 3 Source file already has a patch in specified patch file (=error) SEE ALSO
GenPat is documented more fully in the HTML file /usr/share/doc/nsis/Docs/VPatch/Readme.html. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Paul Wise for the Debian (TM) system. AUTHOR
Paul Wise Created man page COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2005 Paul Wise GenPat manual October 5, 2005 NSIS(1)

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NSIS(1) 							      GenPat								   NSIS(1)

GenPat - A program to create patch files in VPatch format. SYNOPSIS
GenPat [-R] [-B=64] [-V] [-O] [-A=500] [source] [target] [patch.pat] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the GenPat command. This manual page was written for the Debian (TM) distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in the HTML format; see below. GenPat is a program that creates installer programs for Windows. OPTIONS
-R Replace a patch with same contents as source silently if it already exists. -B=64 Set blocksize (default=64), multiple of 2 is required. -V More verbose information during patch creation. -O Deactivate match limit of the -A switch (sometimes smaller patches). -A=500 Maximum number of block matches per block (improves performance). Default is 500, larger is slower. Use -V to see the cut-off aborts. EXIT STATUS
0 Success 1 Arguments missing 2 Other error 3 Source file already has a patch in specified patch file (=error) SEE ALSO
GenPat is documented more fully in the HTML file /usr/share/doc/nsis/Docs/VPatch/Readme.html. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Paul Wise for the Debian (TM) system. AUTHOR
Paul Wise Created man page COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2005 Paul Wise GenPat manual October 5, 2005 NSIS(1)
Man Page

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