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dumpcs(1) [sunos man page]

dumpcs(1)							   User Commands							 dumpcs(1)

dumpcs - show codeset table for the current locale SYNOPSIS
dumpcs [-0123vw] DESCRIPTION
dumpcs shows a list of printable characters for the user's current locale, along with their hexadecimal code values. The display device is assumed to be capable of displaying characters for a given locale. With no option, dumpcs displays the entire list of printable characters for the current locale. With one or more numeric options specified, it shows EUC codeset(s) for the current locale according to the numbers specified, and in order of codeset number. Each non-printable character is represented by an asterisk "*" and enough ASCII space character(s) to fill that code- set's column width. OPTIONS
-0 Show ASCII (or EUC primary) codeset. -1 Show EUC codeset 1, if used for the current locale. -2 Show EUC codeset 2, if used for the current locale. -3 Show EUC codeset 3, if used for the current locale. -v "Verbose". Normally, ranges of non-printable characters are collapsed into a single line. This option produces one line for each non-printable character. -w Replace code values with corresponding wide character values (process codes). ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
The environment variables LC_CTYPE and LANG control the character classification throughout dumpcs. On entry to dumpcs, these environment variables are checked in that order. This implies that a new setting for LANG does not override the setting of LC_CTYPE. When none of the values is valid, the character classification defaults to the POSIX.1 "C" locale. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
localedef(1), attributes(5) NOTES
dumpcs can only handle EUC locales. SunOS 5.10 20 Dec 1996 dumpcs(1)

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cset(3C)						   Standard C Library Functions 						  cset(3C)

cset, csetlen, csetcol, csetno, wcsetno - get information on EUC codesets SYNOPSIS
#include <euc.h> int csetlen(int codeset); int csetcol(int codeset); int csetno(unsigned char c); #include <widec.h> int wcsetno(wchar_t pc); DESCRIPTION
Both csetlen() and csetcol() take a code set number codeset, which must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. The csetlen() function returns the number of bytes needed to represent a character of the given Extended Unix Code (EUC) code set, excluding the single-shift characters SS2 and SS3 for codesets 2 and 3. The csetcol() function returns the number of columns a character in the given EUC code set would take on the display. The csetno() function is implemented as a macro that returns a codeset number (0, 1, 2, or 3) for the EUC character whose first byte is c. For example, #include<euc.h> ... x+=csetcol(csetno(c)); increments a counter "x" (such as the cursor position) by the width of the character whose first byte is c. The wcsetno() function is implemented as a macro that returns a codeset number (0, 1, 2, or 3) for the given process code character pc. For example, #include<euc.h> #include<widec.h> ... x+=csetcol(wcsetno(pc)); increments a counter "x" (such as the cursor position) by the width of the Process Code character pc. USAGE
These functions work only for the EUC locales. The cset(), csetlen(), csetcol(), csetno(), and wcsetno() functions can be used safely in multithreaded applications, as long as setlo- cale(3C) is not being called to change the locale. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |MT-Level MT-Safe with exceptions | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ SEE ALSO
setlocale(3C) euclen(3C), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 16 Nov 2003 cset(3C)
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