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c1541(1) [sunos man page]

c1541(1)						      General Commands Manual							  c1541(1)

c1541 - a stand alone disk image maintenance program SYNOPSIS
c1541 [options] [image] DESCRIPTION
c1541 is a stand alone program that can be used for D64, D71, D81, X64 and G64 disk image file maintenance. It is part of the VICE emula- tor. c1541 can be used both in interactive and batch mode. It will start in interactive mode if no images and no options are specified or if one image is specified; when started in interactive mode, command line editing and command history are available. Each command line option for use in batch mode has an interactive mode counterpart, that is shown in parenthesis. -attach image (attach image) attach image for use. All consequent commands in interactive mode will refer to this image. -detach image (detach image) detach image from c1541. -format image (format image 'name,id') format the disk image image with the specified label. image is created if it does not exist. -delete image files... (delete files...) delete files from image -list image (list) list directory of image. -validate image (validate) validate mage. -copy image oldname1 [oldname2...] newname (copy oldname1 [oldname2...] newname) concatenate oldname1, oldname2... into newname on image (can be used to copy files). -create image dump ['descr'] (create image dump ['descr'] build image from raw dump file dump (i.e. convert from D64 to X64 file). -tape image tapeimage [files...] (tape image tapeimage [files...]) transfer files from tapeimage to image (default is all files). -read image 1541name [fsname] (read 1541name [fsname]) extract 1541name from the disk image into fsname (1541name by default) from image. -extract image (extract). extract all files from image. -write image fsname [1541name] (write fsname [1541name]) write fsname to image as 1541name (fsname by default). (works with P00 files as well). -block [drive:] [track] [sector] [disp] (block [drive:] [track] [sector] [disp]) show disk blocks in hex format. -info image ['descr'] (info ['descr']) show version information about image. When more than one command is specified in batch mode, all of them are executed in the same order they have on the command line. If you use - as a file name, it stands for stdin or stdout. SEE ALSO
VICE(1), petcat(1) AUTHORS
Teemu Rantanen <> Ettore Perazzoli <> Andreas Boose <> Jouko Valta <> with improvements by Olaf Seibert <> Gerhard Wesp <> VICE
January 1999 c1541(1)

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MIC-CHROOT(1)						      General Commands Manual						     MIC-CHROOT(1)

mc-chroot - chroot into a live image in order to do some changes SYNOPSIS
mic-chroot [options] <image|image fs> <image> is a live image file name, <image fs> is a directory path which contains the whole file system unpacked from a live image. DESCRIPTION
mic-chroot can chroot into a live image to do some changes, you can use it to unpack a live image then do some changes, once changes are done, you can regenerate a live image including those changes you did. mic-image-manager has a GUI tool for mic-chroot, you can use it if you prefer to use GUI instead of command line. OPTIONS
--version show version number -h, --help show this help message -s SAVETO, --save-to=SAVETO Save unpacked filesystem to the specified path --unpack-only Just unpack an image, this is used tounpack an image with -s option together -b BINDMOUNTS, --bind-mounts=BINDMOUNTS Specify bind mount list, for example: -b "/proc:/proc;/:/parentroot" -c CONVERTTO, --convert-to=CONVERTTO Convert it to the specified type live image on exiting, the allowed value is livecd or liveusb --convert-only Just convert an image, this will skip chroot and directly convert an image/filesytem with -c option together -o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR Output directory to use (default: current work dir) EXAMPLES
Unpack an image to a directory and chroot into it: mic-chroot -s /my/fs/root EXIT STATUS
mic-image-convertor returns a zero exist status if it succeeds, otherwise return non-zero and print error message. AUTHOR
Yi Yang, Anas Nashif, Jianfeng Ding SEE ALSO
mic-image-creator(1), mic-convertor(1), mic-image-writer(1), mic-livecd-iso-to-disk(1), mic-image-manager(1) perl v5.12.3 2011-05-31 MIC-CHROOT(1)
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