pkg::create(n) Tcl Built-In Commands pkg::create(n)
pkg::create - Construct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command for a given package specification
::pkg::create -name packageName -version packageVersion ?-load filespec? ... ?-source filespec? ...
::pkg::create is a utility procedure that is part of the standard Tcl library. It is used to create an appropriate package ifneeded com-
mand for a given package specification. It can be used to construct a pkgIndex.tcl file for use with the package mechanism.
The parameters supported are:
-name packageName
This parameter specifies the name of the package. It is required.
-version packageVersion
This parameter specifies the version of the package. It is required.
-load filespec
This parameter specifies a binary library that must be loaded with the load command. filespec is a list with two elements. The
first element is the name of the file to load. The second, optional element is a list of commands supplied by loading that file.
If the list of procedures is empty or omitted, ::pkg::create will set up the library for direct loading (see pkg_mkIndex). Any num-
ber of -load parameters may be specified.
-source filespec
This parameter is similar to the -load parameter, except that it specifies a Tcl library that must be loaded with the source com-
mand. Any number of -source parameters may be specified.
At least one -load or -source parameter must be given.
auto-load, index, package, version
Tcl 8.3 pkg::create(n)
Check Out this Related Man Page
pkg::create(n) Tcl Built-In Commands pkg::create(n)
pkg::create - Construct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command for a given package specification
::pkg::create -name packageName -version packageVersion ?-load filespec? ... ?-source filespec? ...
::pkg::create is a utility procedure that is part of the standard Tcl library. It is used to create an appropriate package ifneeded com-
mand for a given package specification. It can be used to construct a pkgIndex.tcl file for use with the package mechanism.
The parameters supported are:
-name packageName
This parameter specifies the name of the package. It is required.
-version packageVersion
This parameter specifies the version of the package. It is required.
-load filespec
This parameter specifies a binary library that must be loaded with the load command. filespec is a list with two elements. The
first element is the name of the file to load. The second, optional element is a list of commands supplied by loading that file.
If the list of procedures is empty or omitted, ::pkg::create will set up the library for direct loading (see pkg_mkIndex). Any num-
ber of -load parameters may be specified.
-source filespec
This parameter is similar to the -load parameter, except that it specifies a Tcl library that must be loaded with the source com-
mand. Any number of -source parameters may be specified.
At least one -load or -source parameter must be given.
auto-load, index, package, version
Tcl 8.3 pkg::create(n)
Hey all...
can someone help me with this problem:
Today i tried to instal sparcworks on my Sunblade. By misstake i installed it under /export/pkg/ witch are mounted on /pkg. When i realised the mistake i just used rm to delete the files to reinstall it under /pkg. I brutaly found out that it... (2 Replies)
I am building an installable package (.pkg) with PackageMaker 1.1.11 (that's the one that comes with Panther).
The package is for installing things both to /Applications and to some folders in /Library (/Library/StartupItems and a new folder that I'm putting in /Library).
I do (obviously) not... (4 Replies)
Hi All
• Regarding installing sendmail pkg in server, I tried to install the pkg but getting the below errors as shown below - any idea on this?
• But I have successfully installed sendmail-cf pkg in the server box
• But that is not sufficient we also need to install sendmail pkg
• Help is... (2 Replies)
Hello.. I'm making a pkg file that inserts a few files into an existing directory structure.
I'm having some trouble in that the package will insert the directories I need.. but will fail to put the files I want into those directories.
What I'm getting is this:
ERROR: attribute... (2 Replies)
HI all,
I would like to know, how we can remove a package?
I know that pkgrm will do the job ,but specifying the right kinda package is important..
And i dont know how to figure that one out?
Eg:if i have installed a pkg called virtualbox,
If i do,
pkgrm SUNWvirtualbox ,it says "no such file... (2 Replies)
can anyone tell the command to create library in unix when i have a .c file.
i need to create a lib file from the c file and then want this library to link with other c files and perform my task.. can anyone help.. (2 Replies)
hi there,
i just need a help handling the output of filespec in case has been picked
im writing a bash script similar to the command ls,
and ive done everything except handing the filespec which i spent more than 3 hrs and i coundn't figure out or find any on the net.
all what i need is... (11 Replies)
To day i installed boltpkg, hiow ever when i run either a pkg-get install or a pkg-get -u pkg-get re turns the following errors.
pkg-get -u
WARNING: no catalog file for site
Updating catalog file first
Getting catalog... wget: fatal: open... (3 Replies)
why this two loops are not listing same files ?
for pkg in `ls | grep ".rpm"`
echo $pkg
for pkg in `ls | grep "*.rpm"`
echo $pkg
done (2 Replies)
Hi All,
can anyone please tell the site from where I can download gcc compiler for openSolaris..I tried to find it but unable to do it.
Please help me.. (7 Replies)
Hi Gurus of UNIX, Can you tell me what are the best Repository in Unix:
In Internet I found the following:
pkg set-authority -O The popular sunfreeware collection in the IPS format
pkg set-authority -O... (5 Replies)
Hi Solaris Experts,
The pkg utility on one of my non-global zones has stopped working, it's trying to connect to port 1008 at
I was using pkg successfully from this zone, but now it's showing this error: lzone1 $ pkg search xterm
pkg: Some repositories failed to respond... (4 Replies)
Hello everyone, I need to validate the file format for the UTF-8 standard. I know that "isutf8"utility is a part of "moreutils" pkg, I was able to find this package for the Linux but my environment in the AIX 6.1.
I would be greatly appreciate your suggestion to my search. I am not familiar with... (5 Replies)
hi downloaded the pkg and installed the pkg from root user .But still when i run command lsof and man lsof .No command found is the error. I tried by pkgadd -d (.pkg file). Please help me
---------- Post updated at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:41 PM ----------
This is what i... (8 Replies)
I'm trying to load the huge amount of records in the database. I did the successful load but it took more time to load as numbers are huge.
Here what I have -
1. create a database table (t) with 2 columns- Not an issue
2. create a script to load huge amount of data - Here I would... (2 Replies)