MICROTIME(9) BSD Kernel Developer's Manual MICROTIME(9)NAME
bintime, getbintime, microtime, getmicrotime, nanotime, getnanotime -- get the current time
#include <sys/time.h>
bintime(struct bintime *bt);
getbintime(struct bintime *bt);
microtime(struct timeval *tv);
getmicrotime(struct timeval *tv);
nanotime(struct timespec *ts);
getnanotime(struct timespec *tsp);
The bintime() and getbintime() functions store the system time as a struct bintime at the addresses specified by bt. The microtime() and
getmicrotime() functions perform the same utility, but record the time as a struct timeval instead. Similarly the nanotime() and
getnanotime() functions store the time as a struct timespec.
The bintime(), microtime(), and nanotime() functions always query the timecounter to return the current time as precisely as possible.
Whereas getbintime(), getmicrotime(), and getnanotime() functions are abstractions which return a less precise, but faster to obtain, time.
The intent of the getbintime(), getmicrotime(), and getnanotime() functions is to enforce the user's preference for timer accuracy versus
execution time.
SEE ALSO binuptime(9), getbinuptime(9), getmicrouptime(9), getnanouptime(9), microuptime(9), nanouptime(9), tvtohz(9)HISTORY
The bintime functions first appeared in FreeBSD 5.0. The microtime and nanotime functions first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0 but have existed in
other incarnations since 4.4BSD.
This manual page was written by Kelly Yancey <kbyanc@posi.net>.
BSD September 16, 2004 BSD
Check Out this Related Man Page
MICROTIME(9) BSD Kernel Developer's Manual MICROTIME(9)NAME
bintime, getbintime, microtime, getmicrotime, nanotime, getnanotime -- get the current time
#include <sys/time.h>
bintime(struct bintime *bt);
getbintime(struct bintime *bt);
microtime(struct timeval *tv);
getmicrotime(struct timeval *tv);
nanotime(struct timespec *ts);
getnanotime(struct timespec *tsp);
The bintime() and getbintime() functions store the system time as a struct bintime at the addresses specified by bt. The microtime() and
getmicrotime() functions perform the same utility, but record the time as a struct timeval instead. Similarly the nanotime() and
getnanotime() functions store the time as a struct timespec.
The bintime(), microtime(), and nanotime() functions always query the timecounter to return the current time as precisely as possible.
Whereas getbintime(), getmicrotime(), and getnanotime() functions are abstractions which return a less precise, but faster to obtain, time.
The intent of the getbintime(), getmicrotime(), and getnanotime() functions is to enforce the user's preference for timer accuracy versus
execution time.
SEE ALSO binuptime(9), getbinuptime(9), getmicrouptime(9), getnanouptime(9), microuptime(9), nanouptime(9), tvtohz(9)HISTORY
The bintime functions first appeared in FreeBSD 5.0. The microtime and nanotime functions first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0 but have existed in
other incarnations since 4.4BSD.
This manual page was written by Kelly Yancey <kbyanc@posi.net>.
BSD September 16, 2004 BSD
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