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pam_localuser(8) [redhat man page]

pam_localuser(8)					   System Administrator's Manual					  pam_localuser(8)

pam_localuser - require users to be listed in /etc/passwd SYNOPSIS
account sufficient /lib/security/ args account required /lib/security/ group=devel DESCRIPTION exists to help implement site-wide login policies, where they typically include a subset of the network's users and a few accounts that are local to a particular workstation. Using and or is an effective way to restrict access to either local users and/or a subset of the network's users. This could also be implemented using and a very short awk script invoked by cron, but it's common enough to have been sepa- rated out. ARGUMENTS
debug turns on debugging file=FILE uses a file other than /etc/passwd. FILES
/etc/passwd BUGS
Let's hope not, but if you find any, please report them via the "Bug Track" link at AUTHOR
Nalin Dahyabhai <> Red Hat 2000/7/21 pam_localuser(8)

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PAM_LOCALUSER(8)						 Linux-PAM Manual						  PAM_LOCALUSER(8)

pam_localuser - require users to be listed in /etc/passwd SYNOPSIS [debug] [file=/path/passwd] DESCRIPTION
pam_localuser is a PAM module to help implementing site-wide login policies, where they typically include a subset of the network's users and a few accounts that are local to a particular workstation. Using pam_localuser and pam_wheel or pam_listfile is an effective way to restrict access to either local users and/or a subset of the network's users. This could also be implemented using and a very short awk script invoked by cron, but it's common enough to have been separated out. OPTIONS
debug Print debug information. file=/path/passwd Use a file other than /etc/passwd. MODULE TYPES PROVIDED
All module types (account, auth, password and session) are provided. RETURN VALUES
PAM_SUCCESS The new localuser was set successfully. PAM_SERVICE_ERR No username was given. PAM_USER_UNKNOWN User not known. EXAMPLES
Add the following line to /etc/pam.d/su to allow only local users in group wheel to use su. account sufficient account required FILES
/etc/passwd Local user account information. SEE ALSO
pam.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(7) AUTHOR
pam_localuser was written by Nalin Dahyabhai <>. Linux-PAM Manual 06/04/2011 PAM_LOCALUSER(8)
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