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ethers(5) [redhat man page]

ETHERS(5)							   File formats 							 ETHERS(5)

ethers - Ethernet address to IP number database DESCRIPTION
/etc/ethers contains 48 bit Ethernet addresses and their corresponding IP numbers, one line for each IP number: Ethernet-address IP-number The two items are separated by any number of SPACE and/or TAB char acters. A # at the beginning of a line starts a comment which extends to the end of the line. The Ethernet-address is written as x:x:x:x:x:x, where x is a hexadecimal number between 0 and ff which represents one byte of the address, which is in network byte order (big-endian). The IP-number may be a hostname which can be resolved by DNS or a dot separated number. EXAMPLES
08:00:20:00:61:CA pal FILES
/etc/ethers SEE ALSO
rarp(8) April 26th, 1996 ETHERS(5)

Check Out this Related Man Page

ethers(4)							   File Formats 							 ethers(4)

ethers - Ethernet address to hostname database or domain DESCRIPTION
The ethers file is a local source of information about the (48-bit) Ethernet addresses of hosts on the Internet. The ethers file can be used in conjunction with or instead of other ethers sources, including the NIS maps ethers.byname and ethers.byaddr, the NIS+ table ethers, or Ethernet address data stored on an LDAP server. Programs use the ethers(3SOCKET) routines to access this information. The ethers file has one line for each host on an Ethernet. The line has the following format: Ethernet-address official-host-name Items are separated by any number of SPACE and/or TAB characters. A `#' indicates the beginning of a comment extending to the end of line. The standard form for Ethernet addresses is "x:x:x:x:x:x" where x is a hexadecimal number between 0 and ff, representing one byte. The address bytes are always in network order. Host names may contain any printable character other than SPACE, TAB, NEWLINE, or comment char- acter. FILES
/etc/ethers SEE ALSO
ethers(3SOCKET), hosts(4), nsswitch.conf(4) SunOS 5.11 22 Jul 2004 ethers(4)
Man Page

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