SSL/TLS with openldap

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# 1  
Old 10-21-2013
SSL/TLS with openldap

Hello to all,

I'm beguinner in Linux instalations and I'm trying to Communicate from Web Sites that i have running under apache with openLDAP for users authentication using SSL mediation that seems to be connected with LDAPS.

Can someone advise me how to do this, I have already installed apache and I have already put my web site working ok, and i have installed also openldap on a diferent machine and is also running ok.
My question is how can I authenticate the user, that try to access a web site running in my apache server, in openldap with SSL between them.

Can someone point me a guide or give me some tip how to do this.

Help will be apreciated
Best Regards,
# 2  
Old 10-23-2013
LDAP/LDAPS is a facility to support authentication, like a passwd file. and you log in same as usual. The server side talks to the authentication to verify the client. A web server might be an LDAPS client to authenticate at a remote LDAPS server for web services. Do you need client help or server setup help?.
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