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rd(9f) [posix man page]

RD(9F)							   Kernel Functions for Drivers 						    RD(9F)

RD, rd - get pointer to the read queue SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/stream.h> #include <sys/ddi.h> queue_t *RD(queue_t *q); INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI). PARAMETERS
q Pointer to the write queue whose read queue is to be returned. DESCRIPTION
The RD() function accepts a write queue pointer as an argument and returns a pointer to the read queue of the same module. CAUTION: Make sure the argument to this function is a pointer to a write queue. RD() will not check for queue type, and a system panic could result if it is not the right type. RETURN VALUES
The pointer to the read queue. CONTEXT
RD() can be called from user or interrupt context. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Function page reference See the qreply(9F) function page for an example of RD(). SEE ALSO
qreply(9F), WR(9F) Writing Device Drivers STREAMS Programming Guide SunOS 5.10 15 Nov 1991 RD(9F)

Check Out this Related Man Page

RD(9F)							   Kernel Functions for Drivers 						    RD(9F)

RD, rd - get pointer to the read queue SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/stream.h> #include <sys/ddi.h> queue_t *RD(queue_t *q); INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI). PARAMETERS
q Pointer to the write queue whose read queue is to be returned. DESCRIPTION
The RD() function accepts a write queue pointer as an argument and returns a pointer to the read queue of the same module. CAUTION: Make sure the argument to this function is a pointer to a write queue. RD() will not check for queue type, and a system panic could result if it is not the right type. RETURN VALUES
The pointer to the read queue. CONTEXT
The RD() function can be called from user, interrupt, or kernel context. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Function page reference See the qreply(9F) function page for an example of RD(). SEE ALSO
qreply(9F), WR(9F) Writing Device Drivers STREAMS Programming Guide SunOS 5.11 16 Jan 2006 RD(9F)
Man Page

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