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aa-autodep(8) [posix man page]

AA-AUTODEP(8)							     AppArmor							     AA-AUTODEP(8)

aa-autodep - guess basic AppArmor profile requirements SYNOPSIS
aa-autodep <executable> [<executable> ...] DESCRIPTION
aa-autodep is used to generate a minimal AppArmor profile for a set of executables. This program will generate a profile for binary executable as well as interpreted script programs. At a minimum aa-autodep will provide a base profile containing a base include directive which includes basic profile entries needed by most programs. The profile is generated by recursively calling ldd(1) on the executables listed on the command line. BUGS
This program does not perform full static analysis of executables, so the profiles generated are necessarily incomplete. If you find any bugs, please report them at <http://>. SEE ALSO
apparmor(7), apparmor.d(5), aa-complain(1), aa-enforce(1), aa-disable(1), aa_change_hat(2), and <>. AppArmor 2.7.103 2012-06-28 AA-AUTODEP(8)

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AA-AUTODEP(8)							     AppArmor							     AA-AUTODEP(8)

aa-autodep - guess basic AppArmor profile requirements SYNOPSIS
aa-autodep <executable> [<executable> ...] DESCRIPTION
aa-autodep is used to generate a minimal AppArmor profile for a set of executables. This program will generate a profile for binary executable as well as interpreted script programs. At a minimum aa-autodep will provide a base profile containing a base include directive which includes basic profile entries needed by most programs. The profile is generated by recursively calling ldd(1) on the executables listed on the command line. BUGS
This program does not perform full static analysis of executables, so the profiles generated are necessarily incomplete. If you find any bugs, please report them at <http://>. SEE ALSO
apparmor(7), apparmor.d(5), aa-complain(1), aa-enforce(1), aa-disable(1), aa_change_hat(2), and <>. AppArmor 2.7.103 2012-06-28 AA-AUTODEP(8)
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