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getvfsent(3c) [posix man page]

getvfsent(3C)						   Standard C Library Functions 					     getvfsent(3C)

getvfsent, getvfsfile, getvfsspec, getvfsany - get vfstab file entry SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/vfstab.h> int getvfsent(FILE *fp, struct vfstab *vp); int getvfsfile(FILE *fp, struct vfstab *vp, char *file); int getvfsspec(FILE *, struct vfstab *vp, char *spec); int getvfsany(FILE *, struct vfstab *vp, struct vfstab *vref); DESCRIPTION
The getvfsent(), getvfsfile(), getvfsspec(), and getvfsany() functions each fill in the structure pointed to by vp with the broken-out fields of a line in the /etc/vfstab file. Each line in the file contains a vfstab structure, declared in the <sys/vfstab.h> header, whose following members are described on the vfstab(4) manual page: char *vfs_special; char *vfs_fsckdev; char *vfs_mountp; char *vfs_fstype; char *vfs_fsckpass; char *vfs_automnt; char *vfs_mntopts; The getvfsent() function returns a pointer to the next vfstab structure in the file; so successive calls can be used to search the entire file. The getvfsfile() function searches the file referenced by fp until a mount point matching file is found and fills vp with the fields from the line in the file. The getvfsspec() function searches the file referenced by fp until a special device matching spec is found and fills vp with the fields from the line in the file. The spec argument will try to match on device type (block or character special) and major and minor device num- bers. If it cannot match in this manner, then it compares the strings. The getvfsany() function searches the file referenced by fp until a match is found between a line in the file and vref. A match occurrs if all non-null entries in vref match the corresponding fields in the file. Note that these functions do not open, close, or rewind the file. RETURN VALUES
If the next entry is successfully read by getvfsent() or a match is found with getvfsfile(), getvfsspec(), or getvfsany(), 0 is returned. If an end-of-file is encountered on reading, these functions return -1. If an error is encountered, a value greater than 0 is returned. The possible error values are: VFS_TOOLONG A line in the file exceeded the internal buffer size of VFS_LINE_MAX. VFS_TOOMANY A line in the file contains too many fields. VFS_TOOFEW A line in the file contains too few fields. FILES
/etc/vfstab ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
vfstab(4), attributes(5) NOTES
The members of the vfstab structure point to information contained in a static area, so it must be copied if it is to be saved. SunOS 5.10 12 Mar 1997 getvfsent(3C)

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getvfsent(3C)                                              Standard C Library Functions                                              getvfsent(3C)

getvfsent, getvfsfile, getvfsspec, getvfsany - get vfstab file entry SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/vfstab.h> int getvfsent(FILE *fp, struct vfstab *vp); int getvfsfile(FILE *fp, struct vfstab *vp, char *file); int getvfsspec(FILE *, struct vfstab *vp, char *spec); int getvfsany(FILE *, struct vfstab *vp, struct vfstab *vref); DESCRIPTION
The getvfsent(), getvfsfile(), getvfsspec(), and getvfsany() functions each fill in the structure pointed to by vp with the broken-out fields of a line in the /etc/vfstab file. Each line in the file contains a vfstab structure, declared in the <sys/vfstab.h> header, whose following members are described on the vfstab(4) manual page: char *vfs_special; char *vfs_fsckdev; char *vfs_mountp; char *vfs_fstype; char *vfs_fsckpass; char *vfs_automnt; char *vfs_mntopts; The getvfsent() function returns a pointer to the next vfstab structure in the file; so successive calls can be used to search the entire file. The getvfsfile() function searches the file referenced by fp until a mount point matching file is found and fills vp with the fields from the line in the file. The getvfsspec() function searches the file referenced by fp until a special device matching spec is found and fills vp with the fields from the line in the file. The spec argument will try to match on device type (block or character special) and major and minor device num- bers. If it cannot match in this manner, then it compares the strings. The getvfsany() function searches the file referenced by fp until a match is found between a line in the file and vref. A match occurrs if all non-null entries in vref match the corresponding fields in the file. Note that these functions do not open, close, or rewind the file. RETURN VALUES
If the next entry is successfully read by getvfsent() or a match is found with getvfsfile(), getvfsspec(), or getvfsany(), 0 is returned. If an end-of-file is encountered on reading, these functions return -1. If an error is encountered, a value greater than 0 is returned. The possible error values are: VFS_TOOLONG A line in the file exceeded the internal buffer size of VFS_LINE_MAX. VFS_TOOMANY A line in the file contains too many fields. VFS_TOOFEW A line in the file contains too few fields. FILES
/etc/vfstab ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
vfstab(4), attributes(5) NOTES
The members of the vfstab structure point to information contained in a static area, so it must be copied if it is to be saved. SunOS 5.10 12 Mar 1997 getvfsent(3C)
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