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mkfs_udfs(1m) [posix man page]

mkfs_udfs(1M)						  System Administration Commands					     mkfs_udfs(1M)

mkfs_udfs - construct a udfs file system SYNOPSIS
mkfs -F udfs [generic_options] [-o specific_options] raw_device_file [size] DESCRIPTION
This is the universal disk format file system (udfs) -specific module of the mkfs command. mkfs constructs a udfs file system with a root directory. OPTIONS
See mkfs(1M) for the list of supported generic_options. The following options are supported: -o specific_options Specify a udfs-specific option. Specify udfs file system specific options in a comma-separated list with no inter- vening spaces. If invalid options are specified, a warning message is printed and the invalid options are ignored. The following specific_options are available: N Print the file system parameters without actually creating the file system. label=string Specify the label to be written into the volume header structures. Specify string as the name of the label. If string is not specified, a default string is generated in the form of *NoLabel*. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: raw_device_file Specify the disk partition on which to write. size Specify the number of 512-byte blocks in the file system. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWudf | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
fsck(1M),mkfs(1M), attributes(5) DIAGNOSTICS
not currently a valid file system The specified device does not contain a valid udfs file system. Invalid size: larger than the partition size Number of blocks given as parameter to create the file system is larger than the size of the device specified. is mounted can't mkfs Device is in use, cannot create file system when the device is in use. preposterous size Negative size parameter provided is invalid. sector size must be between 512, 8192 bytes Sector size given is not in the valid range. Volume integrity sequence descriptors too long File set descriptor too long. Not enough space to create volume integrity sequence or file set descriptor. mkfs: argument out of range One of the arguments is out of range. mkfs: bad numeric arg One of the arguments is potentially a bad numeric. NOTES
You can use lofiadm to create a file that appears to a mkfs command (for example, mkfs_pcfs or mkfs_ufs) as a raw device. You can then use a mkfs command to create a file system on that device. See lofiadm(1M) for examples of creating a UFS and a PC (FAT) file system on a device created by lofiadm. SunOS 5.10 17 Nov 2000 mkfs_udfs(1M)

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mkfs(1M)                                                  System Administration Commands                                                  mkfs(1M)

mkfs - construct a file system SYNOPSIS
mkfs [-F FSType] [generic_options] [-o FSType-specific_options] raw_device_file [operands] DESCRIPTION
The mkfs utility constructs a file system on the raw_device_file by calling the specific mkfs module indicated by -F FSType. Note: ufs file systems are normally created with the newfs(1M) command. generic_options are independent of file system type. FSType-specific_options is a comma-separated list of keyword=value pairs (with no intervening spaces), which are FSType-specific. raw_device_file specifies the disk partition on which to write the file system. It is required and must be the first argument following the specific_options (if any). operands are FSType-specific. See the FSType-specific manual page of mkfs (for example, mkfs_ufs(1M)) for a detailed description. OPTIONS
The following are the generic options for mkfs: -F Specify the FSType to be constructed. If -F is not specified, the FSType is determined from /etc/vfstab by matching the raw_device_file with a vfstab entry, or by consulting the /etc/default/fs file. -V Echo the complete command line, but do not execute the command. The command line is generated by using the options and arguments provided and adding to them information derived from /etc/vfstab or /etc/default/fs. This option may be used to verify and vali- date the command line. -m Return the command line which was used to create the file system. The file system must already exist. This option provides a means of determining the command used in constructing the file system. -o Specify FSType-specific options. See the manual page for the mkfs module specific to the file system type. USAGE
See largefile(5) for the description of the behavior of mkfs when encountering files greater than or equal to 2 Gbyte ( 2**31 bytes). FILES
/etc/default/fs Default file system type. Default values can be set for the following flags in /etc/default/fs. For example: LOCAL=ufs LOCAL The default partition for a command if no FSType is specified. /etc/vfstab List of default parameters for each file system ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
mkfs_ufs(1M), newfs(1M), vfstab(4), attributes(5), largefile(5) Manual pages for the FSType-specific modules of mkfs. NOTES
This command might not be supported for all FSTypes. You can use lofiadm to create a file that appears to a mkfs command as a raw device. You can then use a mkfs command to create a file sys- tem on that device. See lofiadm(1M) for examples of creating a UFS and a PC (FAT) file system (using mkfs_ufs(1M) and mkfs_pcfs(1M)) on a device created by lofiadm. SunOS 5.10 17 Nov 2000 mkfs(1M)
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