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lprm(1) [posix man page]

lprm(1) 							    Apple Inc.								   lprm(1)

lprm - cancel print jobs SYNOPSIS
lprm [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -h server[:port] ] [ -P destination[/instance] ] [ - ] [ job ID(s) ] DESCRIPTION
lprm cancels print jobs that have been queued for printing. If no arguments are supplied, the current job on the default destination is cancelled. You can specify one or more job ID numbers to cancel those jobs or use the - option to cancel all jobs. OPTIONS
The lprm command supports the following options: -E Forces encryption when connecting to the server. -P destination[/instance] Specifies the destination printer or class. -U username Specifies an alternate username. -h server[:port] Specifies an alternate server. COMPATIBILITY
The CUPS version of lprm is compatible with the standard Berkeley lprm command. SEE ALSO
cancel(1), lp(1), lpq(1), lpr(1), lpstat(1), http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2011 by Apple Inc. 28 August 2009 CUPS lprm(1)

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lprm(1) 							    Apple Inc.								   lprm(1)

lprm - cancel print jobs SYNOPSIS
lprm [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -h server[:port] ] [ -P destination[/instance] ] [ - ] [ job ID(s) ] DESCRIPTION
lprm cancels print jobs that have been queued for printing. If no arguments are supplied, the current job on the default destination is cancelled. You can specify one or more job ID numbers to cancel those jobs or use the - option to cancel all jobs. OPTIONS
The lprm command supports the following options: -E Forces encryption when connecting to the server. -P destination[/instance] Specifies the destination printer or class. -U username Specifies an alternate username. -h server[:port] Specifies an alternate server. COMPATIBILITY
The CUPS version of lprm is compatible with the standard Berkeley lprm command. SEE ALSO
cancel(1), lp(1), lpq(1), lpr(1), lpstat(1), http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2011 by Apple Inc. 28 August 2009 CUPS lprm(1)
Man Page

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