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0intro(9) [plan9 man page]

INTRO(9)						     Kernel Developer's Manual							  INTRO(9)

intro - introduction to raster image software DESCRIPTION
Plan 9 provides a suite of commands and library routines to create and manipulate files containing gray-scale and full-color images. Sec- tion 9 of this manual is divided into subsections numbered like the main manual sections: 9.1 for commands, 9.2 for library routines, 9.6 for file formats. Picture files are two-dimensional arrays of multi-byte records with a textual header describing the dimensions of the image, the algorithm used to encode the file, and whatever other information programs may wish to preserve. Picfile(9.6) describes the file format; picopen(9.2) describes a library of routines to read and write picture files. /bin/fb contains a collection of programs to manipulate picture files. 9v displays a picture file in an 81/2(1) window. Examine similarly displays an image and allows interactive examination of its pixel val- ues. Picinfo displays the header of a picture file on its standard output. Pcp copies picture files, modifying header attributes as requested and updating the encoded picture array correspondingly. It can clip a subwindow out of a picture, permute, delete, and rename channels, change the encoding type and even convert full-color images to monochrome and vice-versa. Hed is a more brute-force version of pcp that can apply an arbitrary sed(1) script to a picfile header. It copies the image array verbatim and can thus convert precious images into garbage or vice-versa. Dumppic, gif2pic, picopic, and face2pic convert files in various alien formats to picfile(9.6) format. Pic2ps converts picfiles to encap- sulated PostScript. Nohed removes the header from a picture file. When applied to a TYPE=dump picture this converts it into the ubiqui- tous `raw dump' format. Mugs is an interactive program to convert picfiles into 48x48 icons of the sort used by seemail (see mail(1) and face(6)). Some commands create simple images out of whole cloth. Card writes an image of constant color. Ramp creates an image that is one color at one edge and changes linearly to another color at the opposite edge. Aplot reads a square array of data points and draws an anti-aliased perspective plot of the surface it defines. There are numerous commands that read one or more images and write a modified image on standard output. See remap(9.1), filters(9.1), floyd(9.1), he(9.1), lam(9.1), lerp(9.1), logo(9.1), lum(9.1), quantize(9.1), resample(9.1), transpose(9.1), and xpand(9.1) for descrip- tions. Moto is an animator's command language. It converts concise descriptions of simultaneous processes overlapping in time into sequential command files suitable for producing frames of an animation. SEE ALSO
Tom Duff, ``Raster Graphics in Plan 9'' Sections add(2), balloc(2), cachechars(2), subfalloc(2), bitblt(2), event(2), frame(2), print(2), bit(3), layer(2), bitmap(6), and font(6) describe the standard Plan 9 interactive bitmap graphics interface. INTRO(9)

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0intro 0intro intro 0intro 9v 9v flip 9v save 9v aplot aplot add3
arith3 add4 arith3 arith3 arith3 closept3  arith3  cross3  arith3
dist3  arith3  div3 arith3 dot3 arith3 eqpt3 arith3 fff2p3 arith3
len3 arith3 lerp3  arith3  midpt3  arith3  mul3  arith3  nearseg3
arith3 pdiv4 arith3 pldist3 arith3 pn2f3 arith3 ppp2f3 arith3 re-
flect3 arith3 sub3 arith3 sub4 arith3 unit3 arith3  vdiv3  arith3
vrem3  arith3  bbox  bbox  card  card ramp card cmap cmap cpr cpr
cprview cpr  cvt2pic  cvt2pic  dumppic	cvt2pic  ega2pic  cvt2pic
face2pic cvt2pic gif2pic cvt2pic jpg2pic cvt2pic nasa2pic cvt2pic
pcx2pic cvt2pic picopic cvt2pic sgi2pic cvt2pic targa2pic cvt2pic
tiff2pic  cvt2pic  utah2pic cvt2pic xbm2pic cvt2pic adapt filters
ahe filters crispen filters edge filters edge2 filters edge3 fil-
ters extremum filters filters filters laplace filters median fil-
ters nonoise filters shadepic filters smooth filters floyd  floyd
halftone floyd hysteresis floyd getcmap getcmap getflags getflags
usage getflags colors getmap getmap getmap he he  hed  hed  nohed
hed  hist hist lam lam piccat lam picjoin lam posit lam lerp lerp
sub lerp logo logo lum	lum  adjoint  matrix  determinant  matrix
ident  matrix  invertmat  matrix ixform matrix look matrix matmul
matrix matmulr matrix matrix matrix move matrix persp matrix pop-
mat  matrix  pushmat  matrix  qrot matrix rot matrix scale matrix
viewport matrix xform matrix xformplane matrix xformpoint  matrix
xformpointd  matrix  moto  moto  mugs mugs pcp pcp pic2gif pic2ps
pic2ps pic2ps picfile picfile picinfo  picinfo	picclose  picopen
picgetprop  picopen  picopen  picopen picopen_r picopen picopen_w
picopen picpack picopen picputprop picopen picread picopen picun-
pack picopen picwrite picopen rdpicfile picopen wrpicfile picopen
qball qball 3to1 quantize dither quantize improve  quantize  mcut
quantize  quantize  quantize mtoq quaternion qadd quaternion qdiv
quaternion qinv quaternion qlen quaternion qmid  quaternion  qmul
quaternion  qneg quaternion qsqrt quaternion qsub quaternion qtom
quaternion quaternion quaternion qunit quaternion  slerp  quater-
nion  cmap  remap remap remap pdup resample resample resample ro-
tate transpose transpose transpose picnegate xpand xpand xpand
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