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ssl_ctx_ctrl(3ssl) [plan9 man page]

SSL_CTX_ctrl(3SSL)						      OpenSSL							SSL_CTX_ctrl(3SSL)

SSL_CTX_ctrl, SSL_CTX_callback_ctrl, SSL_ctrl, SSL_callback_ctrl - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/ssl.h> long SSL_CTX_ctrl(SSL_CTX *ctx, int cmd, long larg, void *parg); long SSL_CTX_callback_ctrl(SSL_CTX *, int cmd, void (*fp)()); long SSL_ctrl(SSL *ssl, int cmd, long larg, void *parg); long SSL_callback_ctrl(SSL *, int cmd, void (*fp)()); DESCRIPTION
The SSL_*_ctrl() family of functions is used to manipulate settings of the SSL_CTX and SSL objects. Depending on the command cmd the arguments larg, parg, or fp are evaluated. These functions should never be called directly. All functionalities needed are made available via other functions or macros. RETURN VALUES
The return values of the SSL*_ctrl() functions depend on the command supplied via the cmd parameter. SEE ALSO
ssl(3) 1.0.1e 2013-02-11 SSL_CTX_ctrl(3SSL)

Check Out this Related Man Page

SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(3SSL)					      OpenSSL					     SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(3SSL)

SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version, SSL_set_ssl_method, SSL_get_ssl_method - choose a new TLS/SSL method SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/ssl.h> int SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(SSL_CTX *ctx, const SSL_METHOD *method); int SSL_set_ssl_method(SSL *s, const SSL_METHOD *method); const SSL_METHOD *SSL_get_ssl_method(SSL *ssl); DESCRIPTION
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version() sets a new default TLS/SSL method for SSL objects newly created from this ctx. SSL objects already created with SSL_new(3) are not affected, except when SSL_clear(3) is being called. SSL_set_ssl_method() sets a new TLS/SSL method for a particular ssl object. It may be reset, when SSL_clear() is called. SSL_get_ssl_method() returns a function pointer to the TLS/SSL method set in ssl. NOTES
The available method choices are described in SSL_CTX_new(3). When SSL_clear(3) is called and no session is connected to an SSL object, the method of the SSL object is reset to the method currently set in the corresponding SSL_CTX object. RETURN VALUES
The following return values can occur for SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version() and SSL_set_ssl_method(): 0 The new choice failed, check the error stack to find out the reason. 1 The operation succeeded. SEE ALSO
SSL_CTX_new(3), SSL_new(3), SSL_clear(3), ssl(3), SSL_set_connect_state(3) 1.0.1e 2013-02-11 SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(3SSL)
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