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exmidi(3alleg4) Allegro manual exmidi(3alleg4)
exmidi - Playing MIDI music. Allegro game programming library.
#include <allegro.h>
Example exmidi
This program demonstrates how to play MIDI files.
END_OF_MAIN(3alleg4) , MIDI(3alleg4) , SCREEN_H(3alleg4) , SCREEN_W(3alleg4) , allegro_error(3alleg4) , allegro_init(3alleg4) , allegro_mes-
sage(3alleg4) , clear_to_color(3alleg4) , desktop_palette(3alleg4) , destroy_midi(3alleg4) , font(3alleg4) , get_filename(3alleg4) ,
get_midi_length(3alleg4) , install_keyboard(3alleg4) , install_sound(3alleg4) , install_timer(3alleg4) , key(3alleg4) , keypressed(3alleg4) ,
load_midi(3alleg4) , makecol(3alleg4) , midi_pause(3alleg4) , midi_pos(3alleg4) , midi_resume(3alleg4) , midi_time(3alleg4) , play_midi(3alleg4) ,
readkey(3alleg4) , rectfill(3alleg4) , rest(3alleg4) , screen(3alleg4) , set_display_switch_mode(3alleg4) , set_gfx_mode(3alleg4) , set_pal-
ette(3alleg4) , text_height(3alleg4) , text_length(3alleg4) , textprintf_centre_ex(3alleg4)
Allegro version 4.4.2 exmidi(3alleg4)
Man Page
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