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load_datafile_object(3alleg4) [plan9 man page]

load_datafile_object(3alleg4)					  Allegro manual				     load_datafile_object(3alleg4)

load_datafile_object - Loads a specific object from a datafile. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> DATAFILE *load_datafile_object(const char *filename, const char *objectname); DESCRIPTION
Loads a specific object from a datafile. This won't work if you strip the object names from the file, and it will be very slow if you save the file with global compression. Example: /* Load only the music from the datafile. */ music_object = load_datafile_object("datafile.dat", "MUSIC"); /* Play it and wait a moment for it. */ play_midi(music_object->dat); ... /* Destroy unneeded music. */ unload_datafile_object(music_object); RETURN VALUE
Returns a pointer to a single DATAFILE element whose `dat' member points to the object, or NULL if there was an error or there was no object with the requested name. Remember to free this DATAFILE later to avoid memory leaks, but use the correct unloading function! SEE ALSO
unload_datafile_object(3alleg4), load_datafile(3alleg4), set_color_conversion(3alleg4), find_datafile_object(3alleg4), regis- ter_datafile_object(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 load_datafile_object(3alleg4)

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load_datafile_object(3alleg4)					  Allegro manual				     load_datafile_object(3alleg4)

load_datafile_object - Loads a specific object from a datafile. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> DATAFILE *load_datafile_object(const char *filename, const char *objectname); DESCRIPTION
Loads a specific object from a datafile. This won't work if you strip the object names from the file, and it will be very slow if you save the file with global compression. Example: /* Load only the music from the datafile. */ music_object = load_datafile_object("datafile.dat", "MUSIC"); /* Play it and wait a moment for it. */ play_midi(music_object->dat); ... /* Destroy unneeded music. */ unload_datafile_object(music_object); RETURN VALUE
Returns a pointer to a single DATAFILE element whose `dat' member points to the object, or NULL if there was an error or there was no object with the requested name. Remember to free this DATAFILE later to avoid memory leaks, but use the correct unloading function! SEE ALSO
unload_datafile_object(3alleg4), load_datafile(3alleg4), set_color_conversion(3alleg4), find_datafile_object(3alleg4), regis- ter_datafile_object(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 load_datafile_object(3alleg4)
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