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exmouse(3alleg4) [plan9 man page]

exmouse(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual						  exmouse(3alleg4)

exmouse - Getting input from the mouse. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> Example exmouse DESCRIPTION
This program demonstrates how to get mouse input. The first part of the test retrieves the raw mouse input data and displays it on the screen without using any mouse cursor. When you press a key the standard arrow-like mouse cursor appears. You are not restricted to this shape, and a second key press modifies the cursor to be several concentric colored circles. They are not joined together, so you can still see bits of what's behind when you move the cursor over the printed text message. SEE ALSO
BITMAP(3alleg4), END_OF_MAIN(3alleg4), SCREEN_H(3alleg4), SCREEN_W(3alleg4), acquire_screen(3alleg4), allegro_error(3alleg4), alle- gro_init(3alleg4), allegro_message(3alleg4), bitmap_mask_color(3alleg4), circle(3alleg4), clear_keybuf(3alleg4), clear_to_color(3alleg4), create_bitmap(3alleg4), desktop_palette(3alleg4), destroy_bitmap(3alleg4), font(3alleg4), get_mouse_mickeys(3alleg4), install_key- board(3alleg4), install_mouse(3alleg4), install_timer(3alleg4), key(3alleg4), keypressed(3alleg4), makecol(3alleg4), mouse_b(3alleg4), mouse_w(3alleg4), mouse_x(3alleg4), mouse_y(3alleg4), mouse_z(3alleg4), palette_color(3alleg4), poll_mouse(3alleg4), readkey(3alleg4), release_screen(3alleg4), screen(3alleg4), set_gfx_mode(3alleg4), set_mouse_sprite(3alleg4), set_mouse_sprite_focus(3alleg4), set_pal- ette(3alleg4), show_mouse(3alleg4), textout_centre_ex(3alleg4), textout_ex(3alleg4), textprintf_centre_ex(3alleg4), textprintf_ex(3alleg4), textprintf_right_ex(3alleg4), vsync(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 exmouse(3alleg4)

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exzbuf(3alleg4) 						  Allegro manual						   exzbuf(3alleg4)

exzbuf - Z-buffered polygons demo. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> Example exzbuf DESCRIPTION
This program demonstrates how to use Z-buffered polygons and floating point 3D math routines. It also provides a simple way to compute fps (frames per second) using a timer. After selecting a screen resolution through the standard GUI dialog, the example shows two 3D cubes rotating and intersecting each other. Rather than having full polygons incorrectly overlap other polygons due to per-polygon sorting, each pixel is drawn at the correct depth. SEE ALSO
BITMAP(3alleg4), END_OF_FUNCTION(3alleg4), END_OF_MAIN(3alleg4), LOCK_FUNCTION(3alleg4), LOCK_VARIABLE(3alleg4), MATRIX_f(3alleg4), PAL- ETTE(3alleg4), POLYTYPE_GCOL(3alleg4), SCREEN_H(3alleg4), SCREEN_W(3alleg4), V3D_f(3alleg4), ZBUFFER(3alleg4), allegro_error(3alleg4), allegro_exit(3alleg4), allegro_init(3alleg4), allegro_message(3alleg4), apply_matrix_f(3alleg4), bitmap_color_depth(3alleg4), blit(3alleg4), clear_bitmap(3alleg4), clear_zbuffer(3alleg4), create_bitmap(3alleg4), create_zbuffer(3alleg4), desktop_palette(3alleg4), destroy_bitmap(3alleg4), destroy_zbuffer(3alleg4), font(3alleg4), get_transformation_matrix_f(3alleg4), gfx_mode_select_ex(3alleg4), install_int(3alleg4), install_keyboard(3alleg4), install_mouse(3alleg4), install_timer(3alleg4), keypressed(3alleg4), pal- ette_color(3alleg4), persp_project_f(3alleg4), polygon_z_normal_f(3alleg4), quad3d_f(3alleg4), readkey(3alleg4), screen(3alleg4), set_color_depth(3alleg4), set_gfx_mode(3alleg4), set_palette(3alleg4), set_palette_range(3alleg4), set_projection_viewport(3alleg4), set_zbuffer(3alleg4), textprintf_ex(3alleg4), vsync(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 exzbuf(3alleg4)
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