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pam_close_session(3) [plan9 man page]

PAM_CLOSE_SESSION(3)						 Linux-PAM Manual					      PAM_CLOSE_SESSION(3)

pam_close_session - terminate PAM session management SYNOPSIS
#include <security/pam_appl.h> int pam_close_session(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags); DESCRIPTION
The pam_close_session function is used to indicate that an authenticated session has ended. The session should have been created with a call to pam_open_session(3). It should be noted that the effective uid, geteuid(2). of the application should be of sufficient privilege to perform such tasks as unmounting the user's home directory for example. The flags argument is the binary or of zero or more of the following values: PAM_SILENT Do not emit any messages. RETURN VALUES
PAM_ABORT General failure. PAM_BUF_ERR Memory buffer error. PAM_SESSION_ERR Session failure. PAM_SUCCESS Session was successful terminated. SEE ALSO
pam_open_session(3), pam_strerror(3) Linux-PAM Manual 06/04/2011 PAM_CLOSE_SESSION(3)

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PAM_CLOSE_SESSION(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 				      PAM_CLOSE_SESSION(3)

pam_close_session -- close an existing user session LIBRARY
Pluggable Authentication Module Library (libpam, -lpam) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <security/pam_appl.h> int pam_close_session(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags); DESCRIPTION
The pam_close_session() function tears down the user session previously set up by pam_open_session(3). The flags argument is the binary or of zero or more of the following values: PAM_SILENT Do not emit any messages. If any other bits are set, pam_close_session() will return PAM_SYMBOL_ERR. RETURN VALUES
The pam_close_session() function returns one of the following values: [PAM_ABORT] General failure. [PAM_BUF_ERR] Memory buffer error. [PAM_CONV_ERR] Conversation failure. [PAM_PERM_DENIED] Permission denied. [PAM_SERVICE_ERR] Error in service module. [PAM_SESSION_ERR] Session failure. [PAM_SYMBOL_ERR] Invalid symbol. [PAM_SYSTEM_ERR] System error. SEE ALSO
pam(3), pam_open_session(3), pam_strerror(3) STANDARDS
X/Open Single Sign-On Service (XSSO) - Pluggable Authentication Modules, June 1997. AUTHORS
The pam_close_session() function and this manual page were developed for the FreeBSD Project by ThinkSec AS and Network Associates Laborato- ries, the Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc. under DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 (``CBOSS''), as part of the DARPA CHATS research program. The OpenPAM library is maintained by Dag-Erling Smorgrav <>. BSD
September 12, 2014 BSD
Man Page

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