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read(2) [plan9 man page]

READ(2) 							System Calls Manual							   READ(2)

read, readn, write - read or write file SYNOPSIS
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> long read(int fd, void *buf, long nbytes) long readn(int fd, void *buf, long nbytes) long write(int fd, void *buf, long nbytes) DESCRIPTION
Read reads nbytes bytes of data from the offset in the file associated with fd into memory at buf. The offset is advanced by the number of bytes read. It is not guaranteed that all nbytes bytes will be read; for example if the file refers to the console, at most one line will be returned. In any event the number of characters read is returned. A return value of 0 is conventionally interpreted as end of file. Readn is just like read, but does successive read calls until nbytes have been read, or a read system call returns a non-positive count. Write writes nbytes bytes of data starting at buf to the file associated with fd at the file offset. The offset is advanced by the number of bytes written. The number of characters actually written is returned. It should be regarded as an error if this is not the same as requested. SOURCE
/sys/src/libc/9syscall /sys/src/libc/port/readn.c SEE ALSO
intro(2), open(2), dup(2), pipe(2) DIAGNOSTICS
These functions set errstr. READ(2)

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READ(2) 							System Calls Manual							   READ(2)

read - read input SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> ssize_t read(int d, void *buf, size_t nbytes) DESCRIPTION
Read attempts to read nbytes of data from the object referenced by the descriptor d into the buffer pointed to by buf. On objects capable of seeking, the read starts at a position given by the pointer associated with d (see lseek(2)). Upon return from read, the pointer is incremented by the number of bytes actually read. Objects that are not capable of seeking always read from the current position. The value of the pointer associated with such an object is undefined. Upon successful completion, read return the number of bytes actually read and placed in the buffer. The system guarantees to read the num- ber of bytes requested if the descriptor references a normal file that has that many bytes left before the end-of-file, but in no other case. If the returned value is 0, then end-of-file has been reached. RETURN VALUE
If successful, the number of bytes actually read is returned. Otherwise, a -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
Read will fail if one or more of the following are true: [EBADF] D is not a valid descriptor open for reading. [EFAULT] Buf points outside the allocated address space. [EIO] An I/O error occurred while reading from the file system. [EINTR] A read from a slow device was interrupted before any data arrived by the delivery of a signal. [EAGAIN] The file was marked for non-blocking I/O, and no data were ready to be read. SEE ALSO
dup(2), fcntl(2), open(2), pipe(2), write(2). 4th Berkeley Distribution May 23, 1986 READ(2)
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