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add(2) [plan9 man page]

ADD(2)								System Calls Manual							    ADD(2)

add, sub, mul, div, raddp, rsubp, rmul, rdiv, rshift, inset, rcanon, eqpt, eqrect, ptinrect, rectinrect, rectXrect, rectclip, Dx, Dy, Pt, Rect, Rpt - arithmetic on points and rectangles SYNOPSIS
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <libg.h> Point add(Point p, Point q) Point sub(Point p, Point q) Point mul(Point p, int a) Point div(Point p, int a) Rectangle raddp(Rectangle r, Point p) Rectangle rsubp(Rectangle r, Point p) Rectangle rmul(Rectangle r, int a) Rectangle rdiv(Rectangle r, int a) Rectangle rshift(Rectangle r, int a) Rectangle inset(Rectangle r, int n) Rectangle rcanon(Rectangle r) int eqpt(Point p, Point q) int eqrect(Rectangle r, Rectangle s) int ptinrect(Point p, Rectangle r) int rectinrect(Rectangle r, Rectangle s) int rectXrect(Rectangle r, Rectangle s) int rectclip(Rectangle *rp, Rectangle b) int Dx(Rectangle r) int Dy(Rectangle r) Point Pt(int x, int y) Rectangle Rect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) Rectangle Rpt(Point p, Point q) DESCRIPTION
The functions Pt, Rect and Rpt construct geometrical data types from their components. These are implemented as macros. Add returns the Point sum of its arguments: Pt(p.x+q.x, p.y+q.y). Sub returns the Point difference of its arguments: Pt(p.x-q.x, p.y-q.y). Mul returns the Point Pt(p.x*a, p.y*a). Div returns the Point Pt(p.x/a, p.y/a). Raddp returns the Rectangle Rect(add(r.min, p), add(r.max, p)); rsubp returns the Rectangle Rpt(sub(r.min, p), sub(r.max, p)). Rmul returns the Rectangle Rpt(mul(r.min,a), mul(r.max,a)); Rdiv returns the Rectangle Rpt(div(r.min,a), div(r.max,a)). Rshift returns the rectangle r with all coordinates either left-shifted or right-shifted by a, depending on whether a is positive or nega- tive, respectively. Inset returns the Rectangle Rect(r.min.x+n, r.min.y+n, r.max.x-n, r.max.y-n). Rcanon returns a rectangle with the same extent as r, canonicalized so that min.x <= max.x, and min.y <= max.y. Eqpt compares its argument Points and returns 0 if unequal, 1 if equal. Eqrect does the same for its argument Rectangles. Ptinrect returns 1 if p is a point within r, and 0 otherwise. Rectinrect returns 1 if all the pixels in r are also in s, and 0 otherwise. RectXrect returns 1 if r and s share any point, and 0 otherwise. Rectclip clips in place the Rectangle pointed to by rp so that it is completely contained within b. The return value is 1 if any part of *rp is within b. Otherwise, the return value is 0 and *rp is unchanged. The functions Dx and Dy give the width (x) and height (y) of a Rectangle. They are implemented as macros. SOURCE
/sys/src/libg SEE ALSO
graphics(2) ADD(2)

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Gtk2::Gdk::Region(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				      Gtk2::Gdk::Region(3)

Gtk2::Gdk::Region HIERARCHY
Glib::Boxed +----Gtk2::Gdk::Region METHODS
region = Gtk2::Gdk::Region->new rectangle = $region->get_clipbox boolean = $region->empty boolean = $region1->equal ($region2) o $region2 (Gtk2::Gdk::Region) $source1->intersect ($source2) o $source2 (Gtk2::Gdk::Region) $region->offset ($dx, $dy) o $dx (integer) o $dy (integer) boolean = $region->point_in ($x, $y) o $x (integer) o $y (integer) region = Gtk2::Gdk::Region->polygon ($points_ref, $fill_rule) o $points_ref (scalar) o $fill_rule (Gtk2::Gdk::FillRule) overlaptype = $region->rect_in ($rect) o $rect (Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle) region = Gtk2::Gdk::Region->rectangle ($rectangle) o $rectangle (Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle) list = $region->get_rectangles Returns a list of rectangles (Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle's), the area covered by the region. $region->shrink ($dx, $dy) o $dx (integer) o $dy (integer) $region->spans_intersect_foreach ($spans_ref, $sorted, $func, $data=undef) o $spans_ref (scalar) o $sorted (boolean) o $func (scalar) o $data (scalar) $source1->subtract ($source2) o $source2 (Gtk2::Gdk::Region) $source1->union ($source2) o $source2 (Gtk2::Gdk::Region) $region->union_with_rect ($rect) o $rect (Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle) $source1->xor ($source2) o $source2 (Gtk2::Gdk::Region) ENUMS AND FLAGS
enum Gtk2::Gdk::FillRule o 'even-odd-rule' / 'GDK_EVEN_ODD_RULE' o 'winding-rule' / 'GDK_WINDING_RULE' enum Gtk2::Gdk::OverlapType o 'in' / 'GDK_OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_IN' o 'out' / 'GDK_OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_OUT' o 'part' / 'GDK_OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_PART' SEE ALSO
Gtk2, Glib::Boxed COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2003-2008 by the gtk2-perl team. This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full notice. perl v5.12.1 2010-07-05 Gtk2::Gdk::Region(3)
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