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stop(1) [plan9 man page]

STOP(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   STOP(1)

stop, start - print commands to stop and start processes SYNOPSIS
stop name start name DESCRIPTION
Stop prints commands that will cause all processes called name and owned by the current user to be stopped. The processes can then be debugged when they are in a consistent state. Start prints commands that will cause all stopped processes called name and owned by the current user to be started again. Use the send command of 81/2(1), or pipe into rc(1) to execute the commands. SOURCE
/rc/bin/stop /rc/bin/start SEE ALSO
ps(1), kill(1), proc(3) STOP(1)

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KILL(1) 							Linux User's Manual							   KILL(1)

kill - send a signal to a process SYNOPSIS
kill [ -signal | -s signal ] pid ... kill [ -L | -V, --version ] kill -l [ signal ] DESCRIPTION
The default signal for kill is TERM. Use -l or -L to list available signals. Particularly useful signals include HUP, INT, KILL, STOP, CONT, and 0. Alternate signals may be specified in three ways: -9 -SIGKILL -KILL. Negative PID values may be used to choose whole process groups; see the PGID column in ps command output. A PID of -1 is special; it indicates all processes except the kill process itself and init. SIGNALS
The signals listed below may be available for use with kill. When known constant, numbers and default behavior are shown. Name Num Action Description 0 0 n/a exit code indicates if a signal may be sent ALRM 14 exit HUP 1 exit INT 2 exit KILL 9 exit cannot be blocked PIPE 13 exit POLL exit PROF exit TERM 15 exit USR1 exit USR2 exit VTALRM exit STKFLT exit might not be implemented PWR ignore might exit on some systems WINCH ignore CHLD ignore URG ignore TSTP stop might interact with the shell TTIN stop might interact with the shell TTOU stop might interact with the shell STOP stop cannot be blocked CONT restart continue if stopped, otherwise ignore ABRT 6 core FPE 8 core ILL 4 core QUIT 3 core SEGV 11 core TRAP 5 core SYS core might not be implemented EMT core might not be implemented BUS core core dump might fail XCPU core core dump might fail XFSZ core core dump might fail NOTES
Your shell (command line interpreter) may have a built-in kill command. You may need to run the command described here as /bin/kill to solve the conflict. EXAMPLES
kill -9 -1 Kill all processes you can kill. kill -l 11 Translate number 11 into a signal name. kill -L List the available signal choices in a nice table. kill 123 543 2341 3453 Send the default signal, SIGTERM, to all those processes. SEE ALSO
pkill(1), skill(1), kill(2), renice(1), nice(1), signal(7), killall(1). STANDARDS
This command meets appropriate standards. The -L flag is Linux-specific. AUTHOR
Albert Cahalan <> wrote kill in 1999 to replace a bsdutils one that was not standards compliant. The util-linux one might also work correctly. Please send bug reports to <> Linux November 21, 1999 KILL(1)
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