FONE(1) General Commands Manual FONE(1)
fone - control ISDN telephone
fone [options...]
Fone manages an AT&T 7506 ISDN telephone set. Program control is supplementary: normal functioning of the phone is not affected. The set
must be equipped with the ProPhone1.5 ROM or equivalent. To initialize after the ROM is first installed, push the then the button, and set
parameters as follows:
DATA RATE: 19200
Fone should be run once per terminal session; it accepts commands typed in its window. If the file exists and is writable, it will contain
a log of calls. A permanent log file may be initialized with:
chmod +a call.log >call.log
Options for fone are:
-f file The telephone is controlled through file instead of /dev/eia0.
-l file Calls are logged in file instead of call.log.
-m The mike is not muted when a call is dialed with the handset down (see below).
-t cmd The t command (see below) runs cmd instead of /bin/tel.
Commands to fone are read, one per line, from the standard input.
c string
Call telephone number string. Non-alphanumeric characters are discarded, and the appropriate prefix (9, 91, or none) is guessed
from the length of the result. (If there is no active call, and string begins with a digit, the initial c may be omitted.)
C string
The alphanumeric characters in string are dialed exactly as given.
d Drop the active call, or the last party added to a conference call.
h Put the active call on hold.
k string
Add a party to a conference call. The active call is placed on hold, and string is parsed and dialed. Once the second call is
connected, the command with no argument adds the new call to the previously active call appearance. If the called party is indis-
posed, the commands and will drop the second call and reconnect the first.
q string
Query the local switch for directory entries matching string (a surname preceded by up to two initials, like or
r id Reconnect a call on hold and make it the active call. If the appearance id is omitted, it defaults to that of the lowest numbered
call on hold.
s Show the id, state, and calling information for each call.
t string
Run the tel(1) command on string.
x string
Transfer the active call. The active call is placed in limbo (similar to hold), and string is parsed and dialed. Once the second
call is connected, the command with no argument bridges the two calls together and drops the intermediary (you). If the called
party is indisposed, the commands and will drop the second call and reconnect the first.
. string
Transmits the converted Touch-Tone string to the called party; a string that begins with a or a digit doesn't need the preceding
(See command c above if no call is active.)
? Print a summary of commands.
The command may be given before or after lifting the handset; if the handset is down, the call is placed with the speaker on so you can
hear what's happening. The mike is normally muted, but the -m flag (see above) overrides this.
log of calls
RS232 line to phone
The speaker phone is not really supported.
There's still no way to set the clock.
Check Out this Related Man Page
isdnctrl(4) Special files isdnctrl(4)
isdnctrl - ISDN control device
#include <linux/isdn.h>
/dev/isdnctrl is a character device with major number 45 and minor numbers 64 to 127. It allows controlling functionality of the Linux
ISDN subsystem.
Currently, the following ioctl calls are supported:
Add an ISDN network interface.
This function adds a network interface to the kernel's device table. This interface can be used just like normal eth interfaces.
arg should point to a zero terminated string of max. 10 characters. if arg is NULL, the kernel assigns a name.
On success, the name of the new interface is copied to arg. and the call returns 0. On failure, an error code is returned.
Create a slave interface.
Creates a slave interface for RAW-device channel-bundling. These devices behave like network-interfaces, except they are invisible
to user. Only ISDN parameters can be controlled, not IP-parameters. IP-parameters are inherited from the corresponding master-
arg should point to a zero terminated string of max. 21 characters containing two comma-separated names. The first part is
the name of an existing ISDN network device, which will be master. The second part will be the name of the new slave inter-
On success, the name of the new interface is copied to arg. and the call returns 0. On failure, an error code is returned.
Delete a network-interface.
This call deletes an existing ISDN network interface.
arg should point to a zero terminated string of max. 10 characters naming an existing interface which will be deleted. If the
interface is a master interface, all its slave-interfaces will be deleted also.
On success, the call returns 0. On failure, an error code is returned.
Set configurable parameters of an ISDN network interface.
This call replaces all ISDN related parameters of an interface by the parameters given.
arg should point to a struct isdn_net_ioctl_cfg (defined in linux/isdn.h)
On success, the call returns 0. On failure, an error code is returned.
Get configurable parameters of an ISDN network interface.
This call returns all ISDN related parameters of an interface.
arg should point to a struct isdn_net_ioctl_cfg (defined in linux/isdn.h) which will be filled by the current setup.
On success, the call returns 0 and the interface-setup is copied to *arg. On failure, an error code is returned.
Add a phone number to an ISDN network interface.
This call adds a phone number to an existing network interface.
arg should point to a struct isdn_net_ioctl_phone which contains necessary information.
On success, the call returns 0 and the phone number is added to either outgoing or incoming number list. On failure, an error
code is returned.
Delete a phone number from an ISDN network interface.
This call deletes a phone number from an existing network interface.
arg should point to a struct isdn_net_ioctl_phone which contains necessary information.
On success, the call returns 0 and the phone number is deleted from either outgoing or incoming number list. On failure, an
error code is returned.
Get list of phone numbers from an ISDN network interface.
This call returns the list of phone numbers associated to an existing network interface.
arg should point to a union of struct isdn_net_ioctl_phone and a buffer, large enough to hold a concatenated list of strings
containing the phone numbers.
On success, the call returns 0 and the list of phone numbers is returned as a space-separated list of number-strings termi-
nated by a NULL byte.
Trigger dialing of an ISDN network interface.
This call initiates dialing of an ISDN network interface, if it is not connected. Normally, this ioctl is not needed, because ISDN
network interface perform dial on demand by default.
arg should point to a zero terminated string of max. 10 characters naming the desired interface.
On success, the call returns 0 and the interface starts dialing.
Hangup an ISDN network interface.
This call initiates hangup of an ISDN network interface, if it is connected.
arg should point to a zero terminated string of max. 10 characters naming the desired interface.
On success, the call returns 0 and the interface hangs up.
Add a link of an MPP-configured ISDN network interface.
This call initiates dialing of a Multilink-PPP slave ISDN network interface, if it is not connected.
arg should point to a zero terminated string of max. 10 characters naming the desired interface.
On success, the call returns 0 and the interface starts dialing.
Hangup an MPP-configured ISDN network interface.
This call initiates hangup of an Multilink-PPP ISDN network interface, if it is connected.
arg should point to a zero terminated string of max. 10 characters naming the desired interface.
On success, the call returns 0 and the interface hangs up.
Add a timeout rule to an ISDN network interface.
This call adds a timeout rule to an existing interface.
arg should point to a struct isdn_ioctl_timeout_rule containing the necessary parameters.
On success, the call returns 0 and the rule is added to the rule list of the interface.
Delete a timeout rule from an ISDN network interface.
This call deletes a timeout rule from an existing interface.
arg should point to a struct isdn_ioctl_timeout_rule containing the necessary parameters.
On success, the call returns 0 and the rule is deleted from the rule list of the interface.
Get a timeout rule from an ISDN network interface.
This call returns a timeout rule from an existing interface.
arg should point to a struct isdn_ioctl_timeout_rule containing the necessary parameters.
On success, the call returns 0 and the struct is filled from the rule list of the interface.
Handle budget accounting of an ISDN network interface.
Argument and Return:
to be defined.
Set verbosity of link level.
arg is an integer, defining the new verbose value.
This call always returns 0.
Set global stop flag of link level.
arg is an integer, defining the new stop flag value (0 or !0).
This call always returns 0.
Set busreject flag of a lowlevel driver.
arg should point to an struct isdn_ioctl_struct containing the driver's ID and the value of the busreject flag.
On success, the call returns 0 and the busreject flag of the selected driver is set according the given parameter.
Enable signaling on change of modem profiles.
With this call, the calling process is registered to receive a SIGIO on every change of any register of any ttyI. Thus it can read
register settings and save them to a file. The calling process has to keep the device open in order to receive notifications. As
soon as it closes the device, registration is deleted.
This call always returns 0.
Get all modem register settings.
With this call, all modem registers of all ttyI devices can be read.
arg should point to a buffer of length ( ISDN_MODEM_ANZREG + ISDN_MSNLEN ) * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS.
On return, the provided buffer is filled with the register values.
Set all modem register settings.
With this call, all modem registers of all ttyI devices can be written.
arg should point to a buffer of length ( ISDN_MODEM_ANZREG + ISDN_MSNLEN ) * ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS. filled with the values of
all modem registers.
On return, the modem registers are set from the contents of the provided buffer.
Set Mapping table.
This call is used to set EAZ/MSN mapping of a lowlevel driver.
arg should point to a struct isdn_ioctl_struct containing the necessary parameters.
On success, the mapping table is set from the given parameters an the call returns 0.
Get Mapping table.
This call is used to get EAZ/MSN mapping of a lowlevel driver.
arg should point to a struct isdn_ioctl_struct containing the necessary parameters.
On success, the current mapping table of the given driver is returned and the call returns 0.
Lowlevel driver ioctl.
This call is used for controlling various lowlevel drivers. The ioctl-code for this command is assembled by adding IIOCDRVCTL (128)
and the desired driver ioctl-code. Therefore, a lowlevel driver can understand a maximum of 127 different ioctls.
arg should point to a struct isdn_ioctl_struct containing the necessary parameters, especially the driver-Id must be filled
correctly. The arg component inside isdn_ioctl_struct is handed down to the driver's ioctl function. Its meaning is not
defined here and depends on the lowlevel driver. See documentation for the various lowlevel drivers for information about
driver- specific ioctl.
The return code depends on the driver's ioctl function. Usually, 0 means no error.
Fritz Elfert <>
isdninfo(4), icnctrl(4).
ISDN 4 Linux 3.13 1999/09/06 isdnctrl(4)