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vfs-filesystems(n) [osx man page]

vfs-filesystems(n)														vfs-filesystems(n)


vfs-filesystems - Filesystems provided by tclvfs SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require vfs ?1.2.1? package require vfs::zip ?1.0? package require vfs::mk4 ?1.6? package require vfs::tar ?0.9? package require vfs::ftp ?1.0? package require vfs::ns ?1.0? package require vfs::webdav ?0.1? package require vfs::http ?0.5? package require vfs::urltype ?1.0? vfs::zip::Mount path to vfs::mk4::Mount path to vfs::tar::Mount path to vfs::ftp::Mount path to vfs::ns::Mount path to vfs::webdav::Mount path to vfs::http::Mount path to vfs::urltype::Mount path to _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
The package vfs provides not only the means to implement a virtual filesystem at the tcl level, but also a number of ready to be used filesystems as well. Each of these filesystem exists as its own package, and can be accessed through package require vfs::NAME. The whole set of these virtual filesystems is known informally as 'vfslib'. SUPPORTED VFS TYPES
Currently supported are ftp, tar, http, zip, mk4, ns, and webdav. In addition there is the ability to mount any 'urltype' as a new direc- tory, provided an appropriate vfs is supported. This means that you can treat urls based on the schemes ftp://, http:// and file:// as files. To do this, simply evaluate the command vfs::urltype::Mount ftp for example. Any access inside the new volume will result in an attempt to require a package through package require vfs::${type}, which must therefore exist, or errors will be thrown. If a filesystem is loaded, use the associated command listed below to mount a source for that filesystem as a tcl directory. vfs::zip::Mount path to Mount the zip file path as directory to. vfs::mk4::Mount path to Mount the metakit database file file path as directory to. vfs::tar::Mount path to Mount the tar file path as directory to. vfs::ftp::Mount path to Mount the ftp url path as directory to. vfs::ns::Mount path to Mount the tcl namespace path as directory to. vfs::webdav::Mount path to Mount the webdav url path as directory to. vfs::http::Mount path to Mount the http url path as directory to. vfs::urltype::Mount path to Mount the url path, of type urltype as directory to. LIMITATIONS
Most of the vfs types listed above have not been very well debugged as yet. Please test them! SEE ALSO
vfs, vfs-fsapi KEYWORDS
file, filesystem, ftp, http, metakit, namespace, tar, vfs, vfslib, webdav, zip COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Vince Darley <> Copyright (c) 2003 Andreas Kupries <> Tcl-level Virtual Filesystems 1.0 vfs-filesystems(n)

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NTFSPROGS(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      NTFSPROGS(8)

libntfs-gnomevfs - Module for GNOME VFS that allows access to NTFS filesystems. OVERVIEW
The GNOME virtual filesystem (VFS) provides universal access to different filesystems. The libntfs-gnomevfs module enables GNOME VFS aware clients to seamlessly utilize the NTFS library libntfs. So you can access an NTFS filesystem without needing to use the NTFS utilities themselves (at least in theory anyway). In practice this is probably more useful for programs and programmers to make using libntfs easier, more generic, and to allow easier debugging of libntfs. Examples Prerequisites To be able to follow these examples you will need to have installed the test utilities from the gnome-vfs-2.4.x package. The easiest way to do this is to download and compile the gnome-vfs-2 package, e.g. download from: Then run ./configure followed by make and make install (as root). This will install it into /usr/local so it should not conflict with your existing installation from rpm or deb packages which will be in /usr. Note you may also need to add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ and then run ldconfig (as root) to let your system see the installed gnome- vfs-2.4.x libraries. Then run ./configure followed by make and make install (as root) in the main ntfsprogs directory to build and install the libntfs-gnomevfs module and libntfs library which is used by the module. Copying a file from an NTFS partition To copy the file autoexec.bat from the main directory of an NTFS partition (/dev/hda1) to the /tmp directory on your system you could run: /path/to/gnome-vfs-2.4.x/test/test-xfer file:///dev/hda1#libntfs:/autoexec.bat /tmp/autoexec.bat To copy a file from a directory inside the NTFS partition you would just specify the full path. So for example to copy the file win.ini from the Windows directory you would run: /path/to/gnome-vfs-2.4.x/test/test-xfer file:///dev/hda1#libntfs:/Windows/win.ini /tmp/win.ini Shell access to an NTFS partition For debugging it is most useful to be able to do various things to the NTFS partition while it is being operated upon by libntfs. This is achieved using the test-shell utility (from the gnome-vfs-2.4.x package) by running: /path/to/gnome-vfs-2.4.x/test/test-shell This drops you into the GNOME VFS shell from where you can now cd into the NTFS partition (/dev/hda1) by typing: cd file:///dev/hda1#lib- ntfs:/ You are now in the root directory of the NTFS partition. The first thing you will probably want to do is to type "ls" to display the directory contents. You could then change directories using the "cd" command, e.g. to enter the Windows directory you would type: cd Windows You can then open files, seek inside files, read from files (write is not enabled at present), etc thus exercising large portions of the NTFS library. Use the "help" command while in the shell to see the available commands. BUGS
No bugs are known but there are several limitations at the moment: You cannot get information about files other than what the "ls" command in the test-shell can give you, i.e. the "info" command in the test-shell does not work. Further access to the partition is read-only and hence you cannot write to files. This will be changed in the future once the module has had more wide testing. There may be other limitations and possibly bugs. Please report any problems to the NTFS mailing list: linux-ntfs-dev@lists.source- AUTHORS
The libntfs-gnomevfs module was written by Jan Kratochvil. This man page was written by Anton Altaparmakov. AVAILABILITY
The ntfsprogs package which contains the libntfs-gnomevfs module can be downloaded from These manual pages can be viewed online at SEE ALSO
ntfsprogs(8) Linux-NTFS version 1.13.1 November 2003 NTFSPROGS(8)
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