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ttk_frame(n) [osx man page]

ttk::frame(n)							 Tk Themed Widget						     ttk::frame(n)


ttk::frame - Simple container widget SYNOPSIS
ttk::frame pathName ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
A ttk::frame widget is a container, used to group other widgets together. STANDARD OPTIONS
-class -cursor -takefocus -style See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options. WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS [-borderwidth borderWidth] The desired width of the widget border. Defaults to 0. [-relief relief] One of the standard Tk border styles: flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken. Defaults to flat. [-padding padding] Additional padding to include inside the border. [-width width] If specified, the widget's requested width in pixels. [-height height] If specified, the widget's requested height in pix- els. WIDGET COMMAND
Supports the standard widget commands configure, cget, identify, instate, and state; see ttk::widget(n). NOTES
Note that if the pack, grid, or other geometry managers are used to manage the children of the frame, by the GM's requested size will nor- mally take precedence over the frame widget's -width and -height options. pack propagate and grid propagate can be used to change this. SEE ALSO
ttk::widget(n), ttk::labelframe(n), frame(n) KEYWORDS
widget, frame, container Tk 8.5 ttk::frame(n)

Check Out this Related Man Page

ttk::frame(3tk) 						 Tk Themed Widget						   ttk::frame(3tk)


ttk::frame - Simple container widget SYNOPSIS
ttk::frame pathName ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
A ttk::frame widget is a container, used to group other widgets together. STANDARD OPTIONS
-class -cursor -takefocus -style See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options. WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS Command-Line Name:-borderwidth Database Name: borderWidth Database Class: BorderWidth The desired width of the widget border. Defaults to 0. Command-Line Name:-relief Database Name: relief Database Class: Relief One of the standard Tk border styles: flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken. Defaults to flat. Command-Line Name:-padding Database Name: padding Database Class: Padding Additional padding to include inside the border. Command-Line Name:-width Database Name: width Database Class: Width If specified, the widget's requested width in pixels. Command-Line Name:-height Database Name: height Database Class: Height If specified, the widget's requested height in pixels. WIDGET COMMAND
Supports the standard widget commands configure, cget, identify, instate, and state; see ttk::widget(3tk). NOTES
Note that if the pack, grid, or other geometry managers are used to manage the children of the frame, by the GM's requested size will nor- mally take precedence over the frame widget's -width and -height options. pack propagate and grid propagate can be used to change this. SEE ALSO
ttk::widget(3tk), ttk::labelframe(3tk), frame(3tk) KEYWORDS
widget, frame, container Tk 8.5 ttk::frame(3tk)
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